Review of "Mind-It" - A Dublin City North Youth Support Project
Dublin City North CYPSC are delighted to publish findings from an independent review of the Mind-It Project. Between 2020 and early 2022, this counselling and wellbeing initiative was developed with the support of interagency partners - Sphere17 Regional Youth Services, Cabra for Youth and the CYPSC Mental Health and Wellbeing Subgroup. Funded by the Community Mental Health Fund( supported by the Department of Health), young people aged 12-21 years were offered up to 9 sessions of free counselling in Dublin 5, 7, 13 and 17 through youth services, and later in schools settings. Established on foot of limited services and delays in accessing services in our Children and Young People's Plan and Needs Analysis, this service met a gap to provide young people with accessible supports in their local community. Eighty-five young people were supported with 482 counselling sessions (June 2020 - Decemebr 2021) . The report refers to the positive impact on services and most importantly young people:
...young people made substantial improvements in various areas of their lives (such as family, friends, feelings about myself, feelings about the future) from the beginning to the end of the programme.
The review further went on to recommend a continuation of the Mind-It or similar model of service and Dublin City North CYPSC are pleased to be able to support this expansion in 2022 under the care of the Listen Project with a continued focus on school based provision:
...It’s been needed for so long within the area. I definitely think the fact that (counsellors are)
coming into schools is much better than the students having to go to them.’ (School Representative)
To read more about Mind-It, you can access the full report HERE.
Dublin City North CYPSC Progress Overview 2021

Throughout 2021, Dublin City North CYPSC continued to support children, young people and families through a range of projects both long and short term. Thanks to our interagency partners for continuing to work with us to make these projects happen. This work included targeted support for children living in direct provision, Covid responses, and a Summer of Play to name a few. The overview document can be found here.
Dublin City North CYPSC Progress Report 2018-2020

Dublin City North CYPSC are delighted to present our Progress Report (2018-2020) The report summarises the projects and programmes implemented over these years in response to identified needs and gaps highlighted in our first Children and Young People's Plan.. Launching the report, Joy McGlynn, Chairperson of Dublin City North CYPSC, recognised the committement of agencies and services working together to achieve these outcomes:
"I am always very proud of the interagency work that is done by our CYPSC and the generous commitment of all your time to this committee. [This report] demonstrates the impact that we are having on the outcomes for children and young people in Dublin City North and how much can be achieved with relatively small amounts of money, but a significant level of sharing of expertise and resources".
Thank you to all our subgroups, working groups, interagency partners and stakeholders for helping us accomplish these achievements and for setting a solid foundation to build on in the future.
A copy of the report is available HERE.
Mental Health Month October 2021
Our theme for 2021 was Resilience and Recovery, sponsored by the Mental Health & Wellbeing, and Child and Youth Participation Subgroups. Throughout the month, a series of events and activites have been organised for practitioners, parents and children and young people.
- Our Connect and Learn Series covered a series of online inputs, webinars and trainings for practitioners and parents - including parenting support, Sleep, Nutrition, Exercise, Promoting Resilience, and Suicide Alertness. See some of the presentations below:
- Sponsored Events have supported activites and events with the Traveller and Roma Community, and children and families living in Direct Provision . Primary Schools across the Dublin City North areahave each recieved the children's book "Ruby's Worry" by Tom Percival to encourage children to talk about their worries. In addition, bookmarks that promote ways of regulating through breathwork have been developed, and will be distributed to primary schools in November.
- Publications and materials highlighting the 5 Ways to Wellbeing ; 8 C's of Resilience; and Counselling and Therapeutic Services for Under 18's are now available.
Thank you to all our presenters, subgroup members, and partners who supported this years Mental Health Month.
Responding to Child to Parent Violence and Abuse with the Non-Violent Resistance (NVR) Programme
Dublin City North CYPSC and Tusla Prevention, Partnership and Family Support (PPFS) partnered to host this webinar on "Responding to Child to Parent Violence". The webinar focusses on the Non-Violent Resistance (NVR) Programme as an approach to supporting parents to bring the violence and aggression to an end and build stronger relationships between the parent and child. Over 70 practitioners from a range of family, child and youth sectors joined us to learn more about this approach and next steps for NVR training and roll out in Dublin City North CYPSC. Watch the video below to learn more! More information on NVR can be found at If you are interested in applying for the next training in NVR in Dublin City North CYPSC, see the applicaiton form here - closing date September 21st 2021.
With thanks to John Peelo, Project Manager of Neighbourhood Youth Project for Chairing, and our speakers:
- Dr. Declan Coogan - Lecturer in Social Work and Research Fellow, UNESCO Child and Family Research Centre at NUI Galway, NVR Facilitator and Chair of NVR Ireland. (Video 3:20 - 28:00 mins)
- Andy O'Reilly - Parent who recieved the NVR programme and talks about his family's experience. (Video 29:38 - 35:15 mins)
- SIobhán McGowan - NVR Practitioner, Project Worker at Tusla, St. Helena's Family Resource Centre (Video 36:50 - 53:40 mins)
- Thomas O'Donnell - NVR Practitioner and Coordinator of NVR programmes for Tusla Dublin North City , Manager of Tusla Geraldstown House Family Resource Centre (Video 55:00 - 1:06 mins)
- Evelyn Murphy - NVR Pracititioner and Coordaintor of NVR Programmes for Tusla Dublin North, Family Support Manager (Vdieo 1:08 - 1:12)
Parents - Get Ready for Post-Primary School

On August 19th 2021, the Learning and Development Subgroup held an information and advice webinar for parents with children starting post-primary school. The purpose is to support parents with an understanding of some of the expected changes; ways to support your young person; and key messages from a range of education specialists. With thanks to all our participants who joined us on the day and our speakers and panellists. A recording of the main inputs can be found in the video below, featuring:
- Janet Colgan, Tusla Education Welfare Service & Chair of Learning and Development Subgroup
- Catherine Cross, National Parents Council - Getting Ready for the Transition (Presentation)
- Clare Garrett, Tusla Education Welfare Service - Supporting Your Child's Move to Post-Primary (presentation)
- Anne-Marie McGovern, Tusla Education Welfare Service - Home School Community Liaison Programme and
- Sylwia Kazmierczak, Cabra School Completion Programme (TESS)- Role of School Completion Programme
- Paula O'Brien, Principal, Coláiste Eoin
Domestic Abuse Resource Pack
In support of the 16 Days of Action Against Violence, Dublin City North CYPSC and Fingal CYPSC co-launched a Domestic Abuse Resource Pack for Professionals on November 30th
The Dublin City North Domestic Abuse Resource Pack is a practical resource for professionals to help recognise, respond and understand domestic violence, highlighting an array of services available in the area.
Roderic O'Gorman. Minister for Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth (DCEDIY) formally launched the document, supported by excellent and insightful presentations from Dr. Stephanie Holt on the Impact of Domestic Violence on Children; Fiona Ryan, CEO of Sonas Domestic Violence Charity and Cristina Santamaria, Head of Services for Aoibhnease Domestic Abuse Support for Women and Children. The event was attended by over 150 professionals across Dublin and beyond, demonstrating a keen interest in this very complex topic. With thanks to all who produced this document from the Safe and Protected from Harm Subgroup (Domestic Violence Working Group) and we hope the resource is a useful practical guide to all services. Our goal is to continue supporting further responses to children and families impacted by this issue into the coming new year.
A copy of the Resource Pack can be found here.
Mental Health Month October 2020
Dublin City North CYPSC recognises the importance of mental health for all, particularly in these uncertain and complex times.
The 5 Ways to Wellbeing reminds us of some key tips for minding our mental health, and supporting others to do the same.
We also have an updated list of counselling and therapeutic services for children and young people available in the area, including our new wellbeing service "Mind-It" for 12-21 year olds for the Cabra region.
As part of our Connect and Learn Series, and our special featured webinars on Resilience for Managers and Practitioners, you can watch the recorded sessions below if you missed out or would like to revisit the inputs. We have also included the presentations if inputs where recordings were not available. A special thank you all our speakers and presenters for making this a trully valuable shared learning for us all.
Resilience in a Pandemic for Managers (with Karl Hyden) - WATCH HERE
Resilience in a Pandemic for Pracitioners (with Karl Hyden) - WATCH HERE
My Superpowers: Supporting Traumatised Children (with Christina Enright) - WATCH HERE
The Best Me I Can Be: Supporting Traumatised Adolescents (with Christina Enright) - WATCH HERE
Below, you will find presentations from the Connect and Learn Series, and additional resources:
- Additional reading:
- Online Safety - Tusla and Barnardos
- Supporting Young People Using Telehealth in Covid-19 - Dublin City Jigsaw
Life in Lockdown 2020: Consultation with Young People (12-17 years) in Dublin City on the Impact of Covid-19
On September 29th 2020, Dublin City North and South Children and Young People’s Services Committees (CYPSC), with Dublin City Comhairle na nÓg (DCCnO) launched findings of a consultation with young people (12-17 years) on the impact of Covid-19 on their lives. The consultations were framed around the five BOBF National Outcomes, and DCCnO Advisory Group helped to design the survey and social media info graphics.
The purpose of the consultation was to hear young people’s voices in the midst of this pandemic, to understand in what way Covid-19 has changed or impacted their lives, and suggestions for what might help young people going forward. Between July and August 2020, 218 young people from across Dublin City completed an online survey and 10 young people from Dublin City Comhairle na nÓg took part in an online focus group.Dublin City North and South CYPSC would like to extend a warm thank you to the Dublin City Comhairle na nÓg Advisory and Focus Group; to all the young people who completed the survey; and to Sandra Roe, the researcher who collated the findings and produced the final report.
- The full report of Life in Lockdown 2020 can be found here.
- The info-graphic can be found here.
- Presentation from the launch can be found here.
Watch: Trauma and Transitions Webinar-Supporting Children and Young People in the Context of Covid-19
On July 27th, eighty (80) practitioners joined us for an insightful webinar on supporting children and young people in these uncertain times, through the lens of trauma and transitions. Practitioners were offered insights into an understanding of trauma; the impact of the loss of rituals; trauma behaviours; creation of safety and social engagement systems and some key messages for supporting children and young people. The webinar was co-hosted by Dublin City North CYPSC and Barnardos, to address some of the concerns for our young people in transitioning through phases of change and the impact of Covid-19. Our keynote speakers and panellists included UK and Irish based psychotherapists, psychiatrist and trauma consultant. With grateful thanks to our speakers: Siobhán McGee, Christina Enright. Emerald Jane Turner, and Dr. Clare Short; and to Dublin City North CYPSC BOBF Programme Fund and Safe and Protected from Harm Subgroup for sponsoring the event.
The full video of the webinar is available below:
Dublin City North, City South, Fingal, Dun Laoghaire-Rathdown and South Dublin CYPSC have collaborated to build on the first digital resource document with some information and supports, accurate as of April 14th 2020. The document includes links and resources to reassure children, young people and families that there is support and information available throughout this period of change. We recognise that many local services are providing support remotely. While this is not an exhaustive list of all resources or supports, we hope it provides a signposting tool to support children, young people, families, and services in the short-term.
Updated information in relation to Covid-19 can be found on the HSE, Health Protection Surveillance Centre, and World Health Organisation websites. National advice from Governmental Departments and the HSE takes precedence and should be adhered to.
Link here: Covid-19. Stay Safe. Stay Well. April 2020
Additional Covid-19 Resources and Links:
Links to Posters:
- Primary School Poster
- Post-Primary School Poster
- Hand Hygiene
- COVID 19 Information Poster
- Covid-19 multi-lingual Posters
- Children's Explainer - "To the Test Centre"
- Children's Explainer - "To the Drive-In Test Centre"
- Children's Explainer - "Comic Guide to the Test Centre"
- Travellers Mental Health Poster
Child Friendly Information and Resources:
"Let's Play" - a government-led initiative aimed at promoting play for all children living in Ireland during the COVID-19 emergency.
Education Supports:
Parent/Family Resources
- HSE - a resource for parents and professionals alike, containing guides on pregnancy, baby and toddler health, and parenting advice. It contains trusted information from health experts.
- Parent Advice Clinics from HSE Primary Care Psychology
- Parent Centre - Central information point where parents can get high-quality, trusted information and support (
- Money Advice and Budgeting Service - free and confidetial money and debt advice.
- Drop in Family Service - Barnardos Finglas
- Action Calendar for Families
Online Safety
- Be Safe Online - resources and links for parents/guardians; children and young people ; and the general population.
Mental Health Information:
Roma Information and Supports
Crime Prevention:
Domestic Violence Supports:
Child Protection and Family Support (Tusla Child and Family Agency)
Dublin City Council Community Response Framework
"5 Days, 5 Ways" Mental Wellness Awareness Week - Calendar of Events October 2019
Dublin City North CYPSC in collaboration with PPFS/Child and Family Support Networks are hosting a range of events for Mental Wellness Awareness Week October 7th - 11th, aligning with World Mental Health Day on October 10th. The aim is to encourage ways and means we can mind our mental health and wellbeing. The theme of the week is "5 Ways to Wellbeing" including Connect, Be Active, Take Notice, Keep Learning and Give. Check out the CALENDAR OF EVENTS across the week in Ballymun, Cabra, Finglas,North East Inner City, North West Inner City and Dublin Bay North and Dublin North East (Coolock, Darndale). Publications are available throughout the week including 5 Ways to Wellbeing Leaflets , Posters and a listing of Therapuetic and Counselling Services for Under 18s.
Other actvities or events may be happening in your area not listed here so if you have any questions, please contact your local Child and Family Support Network Coordinator or local agency/service. Thank you to all the agencies who are participating and supporting the week.
Dublin City North CYPSC Projects 2018
A summary account and description of key featured projects in 2018 can be found here. This overview featured at the Dublin City North CYPSC Marketplace: Projects and Progress 2018 in Croke Park on March 7th 2019. A copy of the main presentation from the event can be found here.
CYPSC / Healthy Ireland Health and Wellbeing Plan
In 2018, a Health and Wellbeing Plan was developed with funding from the Healthy Ireland Fund. Aligned with Healthy Ireland priorities this plan identifies strategic actions across mental health, sexual health, physical and weight health. Over the next 3 years, CYPSC will work with Healthy Ireland and government departments to fund these actions, working with local partners to oversee and implement the plan. With the support of a number of agencies, CYPSC Dublin City North has been able to support the roll out of some of these actions over 2018/2019. These have inlcuded initaitves responding to homelessness ("My Place to Play" for babies in emergency accomodation), further research and implementation (such as Safe Play for 6-12 year olds in Finglas); and a 2 year sexual health awareness and youth participation campaign. Further funding from Healthy Ireland up to 2021 is expected to support the implementation of recommendations in this plan, particularly focussed on physical and mental health. A Health and Wellbeing Subgroup established in 2019 will oversee the implementation of the plan for the remainder of the term.
You can find the full detailed plan here which is also incorporated into the priorities for out Children and Young People's Plan.
Emotional Health and Wellbeing Action Plan for Finglas North A (6-12 years)
Mac Donald and Kinlen (2018) undertook research into the emotional health and wellbeing of children 6-12 years in Finglas North A. An action plan across the 5 National Outcomes was developed following consultations with children, parents and local workers. This plan will see the new Finglas West Family Resource Centre through Barnardos become the lead actioning group to oversee this plan. As a model of research, it is hoped that once evaluated, this is a model that can be replicated in other parts of Dublin City North. For the full report, please click here.
In 2019, with funding provided through the Healthy Ireland Fund, CYPSC, in partnership with Barnardos and the Finglas West Family Resource Centre tendered for further action research into Safe Play for 6-12 year olds in Finglas North A / Finglas West. The aim of the research was to develop recommendations for creating child-friendly spaces for recreation and play; that would encourage physical activity; and to re-imagine and develop a child-friendly neighbourhood. In their action research with children and local partners, Solas Research Consultancy profiled and scoped indoor and outdoor physical activity play and recreation spaces; identified gaps and challenges in provision; and developed a set of 24 recommendations for implementation. The full report can be read here: Responding to the Need for Child-Friendly Physical Activity Play and Recreation Spaces for 6-12 Year Olds in Finglas West
Dublin City North Socio-Demographic Profile 2018
This profile illustrates the complexity of need across the Dublin City North CYPSC Area. This is the first fully comprehsensive report for this area, with all major indicators identified. Where possible Small Area Population Statistics have been used to unmask hidden pockets of disadvantage. Data is available for each of the Child adn Family Support Network Areas, and should be able to be used as an aid for all services working with children, young people and families in Dublin City North. We hope you find this report useful.
Click here to view the full report.
Dublin City North CYPSC Children and Young People's Plan
Please click here to view the Children and Young People's Plan for 2018-2020
Dublin City North CYPSC Publishes “Services Mapping and Community Consultation Research”
Dublin City North Children and Young People’s Services Committee, with funding from Tusla Child and Family Agency and Dublin City Council, contracted Quality Matters to undertake research to explore the nature and extent of services in the area, and engage with community stakeholders as to their perceptions of service provision and gaps locally.
To read the full report by Quality Matters Click here
To read the summary report Click here
Critical Incident Management
In response to the recent increase in gangland activity in our community, a group of CYPSC members and other service providers in the North East Inner City came together to explore a community based response. This will include, information for parents about critical incidents, trauma and how to access services; workshops for service providers in the North East Inner City; and an exploration of a restorative justice programme for the community. With the kind permission of the National Educational Psychological Service (NEPS), information is being made available on the CYPSC website for members of the public and service providers about critical incidents and trauma.
Responding to Critical Incidents Resource Material for Schools
Responding to Critical Incidents Guidelines for Schools
Listen, Protect, Connect, Model and Teach- Handout for Teachers
Advice for Preschool Teachers /Child Care Staff if something difficult happens / if children are frightened
Click here to see our Local Links