
Healthy and Active

Chair: Molly Kirwan, Manager, Forward Steps Family Resource Centre, Tullow

National Outcome: Active & Healthy with physical and mental well being

Healthy Ireland Subgroup

Chair: Mairéad Maddock, CYPSC Co-ordinator

Oversees and monitors the HI-funded initiatives

Education Subgroup

Chair: Niav Cahill, Carlow Youth Training

National Outcome: Achieving full potential in all areas of learning & development

Addressing issues of school retention, retention and transition of Traveller children, and supporting Traveller parents

Child Welfare and Protection

Chair: Sandra Collins

National Outcome: Safe & protected from harm

This subgroup addresses the safety and welfare of children in County Carlow and implements the Outcome 3 section of the Children and Young People's Plan

Domestic Abuse Action Network - Task group of Child Welfare and Protection

Chair: Esther Pugh, Barnardos

National Outcome: Safe & protected from harm

This multiagency network is responsible for implementing the actions in the CYPSC Plan relating to Domestic Abuse

Economic Subgroup


This subgroup addresses issues of economic and financila security for children and families

Participation Subgroup


Comhairle na nÓg Advisory Group

Chair: Hilda Minchin, Community Section, Carlow County Council

National Outcome: Connected, respected & contributing to their world

Supporting the running of the Comhairle na nÓg

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