Children and Young People's Services Committees

Children and Young People’s Services Committees (CYPSC) are a key structure identified by Government to plan and co-ordinate services for children and young people in every county in Ireland.  The overall purpose is to improve outcomes for children and young people through local and national interagency working. 

CYPSC are county-level committees that bring together the main statutory, community and voluntary providers of services to children and young people.  They provide a forum for joint planning and co-ordination of activity to ensure that children, young people and their families receive improved and accessible services.  Their role is to enhance interagency co-operation and to realise the national outcomes set out in Better Outcomes, Brighter Futures: the national policy framework for children and young people 2014 - 2020. CYPSC: Shared Vision, Next Steps provides the road map for the further development of the CYPSC initiative over the period 2019 - 24. 

Informed by a universal approach the ultimate goal is to improve outcomes for all children and young people in Ireland.  Watch our short explainer video.

Find your County CYPSC Here...

Tús maith leath na hoibre

A Good Start is Half the Work... Following the Covid pandemic, children and young people's attendance at school has been significantly impacted. Addressing this need, Limerick CYPSC members came together to create a range of supports to tackle this problem.

Awakening the Spirit

The Southside Travellers Action Group (STAG) Wagon Project was initiated and led by two Traveller men who wanted to pass on the tradition of wagon building to the younger generation.

Evidence-informed CYPSC

Eighty CYPSC members and CYPSC Sub-group members attended a recent Pobal HP Deprivation Index presentation as part of CYPSC implementation supports organised by the CYPSC National Office at Tusla Child and Family Agency.