Local Resources

Children's Rights Alliance Helpline

The Children's Rights Alliance Helpline is for children, young people and their families or people who are working with them to access legal information.

Helpline is open Monday , Wednesday and Friday, you can call  on 01 9020494 or email help@childrensrights.ie and visit their website for full details. Click here Children’s Rights Alliance 

Supporting Children and Parents – Website

The website brings together new and existing resources that children and parents may find helpful. It provides a starting point to access high-quality, trusted information and support in an easy to navigate format.   

Click this link     Supporting Children and Parents     to go to the website.

Your Mental Health – Ongoing supports and information

Ongoing supports and information are available.

You can continue to find mental health information and resources at    yourmentalhealth.ie      and from the your mental health information line, 1800 111 888

Information on  subsidised counselling sessions are available from MyMind for people experiencing difficulties related to Covid-19, click here for more information   https://mymind.org/ 

Information from the HSE on “Minding your mental health during the Covid 19 pandemic”  has been updated, click HERE  

Living Works Start  builds skills and knowledge to keep others safe from suicide, and uses a mix of guided online content, video and interactive questions. Please email    TrainingSRO@hse.ie   for further information or to request a free LivingWorks Start licence

Support for Grieving – resource book

Irish Hospice Foundation (IHF) is a national charity that addresses dying, death, and bereavement in Ireland.
We offer support and guidance for people of every age and stage of grief.

Everyone experiences death through bereavement and we believe support in grief should be available for all who need it. Being there for those who are grieving and understanding their needs is a key pillar of our work.

As a national leader in the development of bereavement care, we are working in collaboration with bereavement care providers and charities to provide information, resources and programmes for individuals, families, communities and workplaces.
We hope this collection of information gives you some guidance and support as you or someone you care about navigates their grief at this time.                                                            


 Click on the link to download the resource book.

Support for Grieving in Exceptional -Times Irish Hospice Foundation

Our Bereavement Support Line, in partnership with the HSE, is open Monday-Friday 10am-1pm on 1800 80 70 77.

It is there to provide connection, comfort and support to those who are grieving and those
who care about someone who is grieving in these exceptional times.

Online mental health and wellbeing programme called Minding Your Wellbeing

HSE Health & Wellbeing has  a  free, online mental health and wellbeing programme called Minding Your Wellbeing.

This evidenced based programme, focusing on the promotion of mental wellbeing, has been adapted from a face-to-face programme into a series of online videos for everyone at this time.

What does the programme consist of?

Consisting of 5 video sessions (20 min) which can be accessed by visiting     www.yourmentalhealth.ie    and following the links.  The content focuses on:

  1. Practicing Self-CareExplores:   the importance of individual ‘s ‘self-care’ and encourages  participants to build their own ‘self-care toolkit’ which includes healthy habits for their mental health and wellbeing.
  2. Understanding Our Thoughts:    Invites participants to reflect on their own thinking and consider how thinking patterns can impact   wellbeing.
  3. Exploring Emotions:   Encourages participants to notice their emotions and increase their positive emotions to improve their wellbeing.
  4. Building Positive Relationships:  Discusses ways in which participants can nurture, value and foster positive relationships which are so important for mental wellbeing.
  5. Improving Our Resilience:  Invites participants to improve their resilience, learn about the building blocks of resilience including the importance of focussing on strengths.

This provides a unique opportunity for everyone to learn and practice key elements of mental wellbeing such as mindfulness, gratitude, self-care and resilience.

We would encourage as many people as possible to take some time to view each of the videos and to share with those closest to you.

Traveller Community – Online Counselling and Information Helpline


Online Counselling now available at the Traveller Counselling service

The Traveller counselling service is offering online counselling to members of the Traveller community who feel they would like to talk to a counsellor, this can be for one session or a number of sessions. These counselling sessions are one to one, are safe, confidential, and free of charge. At present we only provide counselling to people who are over 18 years

Anyone who wishes to have a counselling session can to click on the link below and follow the steps.


  • Click on a counsellor of your choice
  • Leave your name and number
  • Tick the term of service box
  • The counsellor will get in touch with you to arrange a time for an online counselling session and will send you a link to click on at the time agreed for your online session.

Or you can go to our website


If you have a problem linking in, you can call our counselling support line 0863081476

Please note

The Traveller online counselling service is not an emergency service and cannot respond to a person in crisis. Please refer to one of the following support services if needed:
– Samaritans – 116 123
– Pieta House – 180 247 247 or text HELP to 51444
– Your Mental Health Information: 1800 742 444
– GP or Out of Hours GP
– Get in touch with your local Traveller organisation

 Safeguarding Ireland

Safeguarding Ireland was established to promote safeguarding of adults who may be vulnerable, protect them from all forms of abuse by persons, organisations and institutions and develop a national plan for promoting their welfare. This will be achieved by promoting inter-sectoral collaboration, developing public and professional awareness and education, and undertaking research to inform policy, practice and legislation in the Republic of Ireland.

To find out more click  HERE  to go to Safeguarding Ireland website and access information and resources.

Know Your Stuff – a new Sexual Health Booklet for young people and parents.

The topic of sexual health and relationships is a very important issue and based on our experience of working with young people in Waterford  it was decided that the production of a sexual health booklet would be of benefit to young people and parents alike.

This is a joint initiative between Tusla, HSE and Transgender Equality Network Ireland (TENI) as part of Waterford Children and Young Peoples Services Committee (CYPSC) and funded by Healthy Ireland. 

Sexual health and relationships is such a broad topic. The booklet is not intended to be a compressive answer to all the topics but rather a starting point for information. The booklet seeks to provide current and up to date information on topics such as relationships, puberty, reproductive system, sexuality, dealing with a breakup, consent, on-line safety and contraception to name but a few. Links to other resources are included within the booklet to assist young people and parents to access further information on each of the topics.

Young people and parents were consulted and their feedback influenced the design, layout and content of the booklet.  We hope that Know Your Stuff is easy to read and will act as a reference point for information and a conversation starter. 

The booklet is available to youth groups, schools, informal education settings, libraries, etc.  It is available in limited numbers in hard copy, contact  Julie.somers@tusla.ie,  and is available to download click here

Free App on ADHD to support families

The Changing Lives Initiative have developed an App to help families understand what ADHD is and provide practical strategies and tools for parents to use with their children.  The App is particularly relevant for parents who have concerns about their child’s behaviour but are not yet sure if their child may have ADHD.  The App is also very useful for those working with children, in helping them understand ADHD and how they might support children who have issues with inattention, hyperactivity or impulsivity. The App can be downloaded for free at  Changing Lives Initiative  

Waterford CYPSC Children and Young People's Plan

Please click here to view the Children and Young People's Plan for ​Autumn 2019-2022.

Please click here to view the Children and Young People's Plan for ​2016-2018.