CYPSC Membership
The membership of Children and Young People's Services Committees (CYPSC) consists of senior managers from all the major statutory, community and voluntary providers of services to children, young people and families in the CYPSC area. Members are of sufficient seniority to represent their organisation and to exercise decision-making power.
CYPSC membership includes representatives from the following organisations:
Tusla Child and Family Agency
Local Authority
(City and / or County Council)
Health Service Executive
Education and Training Board
Young Person
(18 - 24 years)
Probation Service |
An Garda Síochána |
Irish Primary Principals' Network
City or County Childcare Committee
Department of Social Protection
National Educational
Psychological Service (NEPS)
Third level institution
National Association of Principals
and Deputy Principals (NAPD)
Social Inclusion partners
e.g. Local Development Companies, Family Resource Centres
Community and voluntary organisations
CYPSC Chairperson
The CYPSC Chairperson is drawn from Tusla the Child and Family Agency. The role of the chairperson is to provide leadership and to ensure the effectiveness of the committee.
CYPSC Vice Chairperson
The CYPSC Vice Chairperson is drawn from the local authority. The role of the vice chairperson is to support the CYPSC chairperson in the performance of his/her responsibilities and lead committee meetings in the absence of the chairperson.
CYPSC Co-ordinator
Each CYPSC has a co-ordinator who is responsible for CYPSC communications across the county / area, supporting and promoting interagency working, reporting, information provision and the organisation and administration of meetings on behalf of their CYPSC.
Please click here for more information on local Children and Young People's Services Committees including committee membership.
Children and Young People's Plan (CYPP)
Children and Young People's Services Committees develop and oversee the implementation of a three-year Children and Young People’s Plan (CYPP) for the county / cypsc area that is designed to improve outcomes for children and young people. The CYPP outlines local priorities that the CYPSC has agreed to address and includes a detailed action plan of activities which will be undertaken by the CYPSC and its sub groups to make impact on those priorities. The Children and Young People's Plan is developed in partnership with children, young people and families as well as in partnership with member agencies and sub groups and is responsive to local needs.
The CYPSC's priorities named in their plan are clearly linked to the five national outcomes outlined in Better Outcomes Brighter Futures, have clearly stated objectives and indicators, and are time-framed to assist monitoring and ensure delivery.
In addition, the Children and Young People's Plan is to be linked to all member agencies service / annual plans as well as to all other local and regional plans such as the county Local Economic and Community Plan (LECP).
The Children and Young People's Plan is systematic and comprehensive and includes:
- A Socio-Demographic Profile of the CYPSC area which provides an accurate picture of children and young people’s lives and outcomes.
- A mapping exercise undertaken by the CYPSC of their area. This maps service provision in the county / area and helps to identify any gaps in services or any duplication of services.
- An identification of national policy objectives with regard to children and young people across national outcome areas supplemented by considerations of the CYPSC on how the objectives can be effectively implemented in the CYPSC area.
- A needs analysis based on local and national data, socio-demographic profile and audit of services to identify priority areas for action in the county.
- Development of effective systems of co-ordinated services, supports and opportunities to improve outcomes for children through improved collaborative practice and interagency working.
- Planning for effective participation of children and young people in the work of the CYPSC.
- Evidence of local and national instances of good practice identified across the CYPSC network as a whole.
The CYPSC undertakes ongoing monitoring and review of progress on its objectives over the course of the Children and Young People's Plan.
Please click here to view the CYPSC Children and Young People's Plans.
Sub Groups
CYPSC establish a number of sub-groups, aligned to the five National Outcomes for children and young people and the priority areas for action that the CYPSC has identified locally. CYPSC may also establish sub-groups dealing with specific issues associated with interagency working and change management, such as information sharing, data collection and working together.
The sub-group structure extends participation in the CYPSC beyond the main committee to practitioners, front-line staff and people from the voluntary and community sectors involved in direct service provision that have a specific interest and expertise in a particular sub-group action area/theme.
Visit the "Your County CYPSC" section of our website and select a CYPSC that you want to find out more about including what sub-groups they have established.