Dublin City North CYPSC - New Children and Young People's Plan Development
Service providers, parents and children and young people are invited to inform the development of our new plan (2023-2025). Surveys can be accessed at the following links:
Surveys remain open until March 10th 2023 (extended ).
QR codes are available in the posters below to help easy access on mobile devices.
Dublin City North Children and Young People’s Services Committee (CYPSC) is one of twenty-seven CYPSC across the Republic of Ireland. Dublin City North spans the north side catchment of Dublin City Council, and extends from the North East and West Inner City Dublin out through Cabra, Finglas, Ballymun, Clontarf and Beaumont / Donaghmede. While this area has significant strengths in terms of a strong community and established interagency working arrangements, it is also a community with pockets of high deprivation and complex needs.
Established in 2014 under the guidance of Tusla Child and Family Agency, in partnership with the Department of Children and Youth Affairs (DCYA), Dublin City North's first research report was completed in 2016. This initial research engaged in a community wide consultation on the needs of children and young people (0-24 years), and profiled the range of services in the area. Further reports and research since 2018 have been released including socio-demographic profile, Health and Wellbeing Strategic Plan and Emotional Health and Wellbeing available on our Resources Page.
With a targeted focus on strategic interagency cooperation and collaboration, the committee has established a strong interagency membership comprising statutory, community and voluntary services from across the area. Based on priority actions named in our Children and Young People’s Plan, themed subgroups lead and monitor the identified actions and actively contribute to identifying emerging issues. Further information on our priorities can be found in our Children and Young People's Plan and on our Prioities Page.
As a community, there is much work to be done to ensure seamless, integrated and effective service provision. We look forward to working with partners including families and children and young people over the course of this initial 3 year plan, and responding to the needs of children and young people in Dublin City North.
Click here to view Dublin City North CYPSC's membership.