
DCS CYPSC CYPP 2020-2022 


National Outcome Areas

Local Priority Areas

Chair HSE

Active and healthy, physical and mental wellbeing

Positive mental health and wellbeing

Infant Health & Wellbeing 

Healthy Ireland programme priorities / Dublin City South Health & Wellbeing Strategic Plan 2018-2021

National Children’s Hospital Community Benefit Scheme - Support priorties 

Chair Education rep

Achieving full potential in learning and development

School refusals: understanding and improving attendance

Voice of children in education: focus on primary schools

Support for children with a disability diagnosis


Safe and protected from harm

TUSLA National Service Delivery Framework

Supports for homeless children and families

Child-to-parent violence: NVR

Children and families experiencing domestic violence

Chair Local Development Partnership

Economic security and opportunity

Young people leaving care: interagency supports

Chair TBC

Connected, respected and contributing to their world

Dublin City Comhairle na nÓg

Children and youth participation practice

Young people’s participation in decision making: CYPSC participation

DCS CYPSC Change Management

Local Priority Areas

CYPSC Interagency collaboration: data, information sharing, planning and protocols

Data gathering and analysis, Dublin City South services and area

Dublin City South web directory, database

Contributing to area planning and development

Interagency area Critical Incident Protocol: management