Dublin City North CYPSC - New Children and Young People's Plan Development
Service providers, parents and children and young people are invited to inform the development of our new plan (2023-2025). Surveys can be accessed at the following links:
1) Children and Young People (10-24 years). - https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/FWXMWGJ
2) Parents/Guardians - https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/7L6M57V
3) Service Providers. - https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/TXF65NW
Surveys remain open until March 6th 2023. QR codes are available in the posters below to help easy access on mobile devices.

Dublin City North CYPSC Priorities
Outcome Area
Local Priority
1. Active and Healthy |
1. Mental Health and Wellbeing
2. Drugs and Alcohol
3. Sexual Health
4. Physical and Weight Health
2. Achieving full potential in Learning and Development |
1. Emotional Health and Wellbeing (Finglas North A, 6-12 years)
2. Supporting early School Attendance
3. Children and Families experiencing Homelessness
3. Safe and Protected from Harm |
1. Parenting
2. Meitheal / Child and Family Support Networks
3. Domestic, Sexual and Gender Based Violence / Child to Parent Violence
4.Complex and High Need Cases
4. Economic Security and Opportunity |
1. Lone Parent Households
2. Youth Employment and Education
3. Young people not in Education, Employment, or Training (NEETs)
5. Connected, Respected and Contributing to their World |
1. Building Child and Youth Participation Practice
2. Children and Young People actively Influence Decisions that Affect their Lives
Change Management and Cross Collaboration
Priority Areas
1. Dublin CYPSC Directory of Children and Young People's Services
2. Senior personnel commitment to CYPSC
3. Outcomes for Children, National Data and Information Hub
4. Dublin's North East Inner City Initiative
5. Advocacy to strengthen service provision and meet unmet needs.
6. Development of Critical Incident Protocol.
To read about our Sub-groups click here.