Outcome 1 Youth Mental Health & Physical Health Subgroup
Chair: Jennifer Darcy, Bray Area Partnership (Temporary)
National Outcome: Active & healthy with physical and mental well being
The Youth Mental Health and Physically Healthy Subgroups merged into one subgroup in 2019. The group now combines a focus on both priortity areas as interdependent. Focused on work relating to concerns about youth mental health and physical health in the county and adapting an interagency and inclusive approach to service delivery. Promoting positive mental and physical health messaging and information on relevant services/activities and events is the core work of the group. The group oversees the delivery of the Healthy Ireland programme of activities in the county including the Community Mental Health Activities. See the priorities for full details on the areas of work of this group. The work of this group also includes some actions relating to Drugs and Alcohol.
Outcome 2 Learning and Development Subgroup
Chair: Assumpta O'Neill, Coordinator, Wicklow County Childcare Committee
National Outcome: Achieving full potential in all areas of learning & development
Focussed on activities relating to increasing levels of literacy and numeracy and promoting positive transitions as well as Emotionally Based School Avoidance or School Refusal, creative arts opportunities for young children and pathways for young people who are out of mainstream education.
Outcome 3 Prevention, Partnership & Family Support Steering Committee
Chair: Kevin Webster, Principal Social Worker, Tusla the Child and Family Agency
National Outcome: Connected, respected & contributing to their world
The Prevention, Partnership and Family Support Programme Steering Committee oversees the implementation of Meitheal and the Child and Family Support Structure in the county. This group coordinates parenting supports and the roll out of programmes such as Non-Violent Resistence and SPACE. It is also concerned with Domestic Violence, Hidden Harm, Online Safety and issues arising for families from new communities.
Outcome 4 & Change Management Subgroup
Chair: Michael Nicholson, Director of Community, Culture and Social Development, Wicklow County Council
A high level decision makers group to focus on change during the implementation of the Children and Young People’s Plan (CYPP). This subgroup also looks at outcome 4 in priority areas such as linking with the Local Community Development Committees, reducing poverty, youth unemployment and education & training.
Outcome 5 Connected and Respected Subgroup
Chair: Fionnuala Curry, Wicklow CYPSC Coordinator
This subgroup focuses on the active participation of children and young people, the establishment of youth services, equality and healthy relationships.
West Wicklow Interagency Subgroup
Chair: Caroline Sheehan, Tusla
This subgroup was formed in 2014 to address specific issues arising in the West Wicklow area and the group agreed to become a subgroup of Co. Wicklow CYPSC to look at the West Wicklow area across all outcome areas for the West Wicklow community.
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