What do I say?
It's important to give children answers to their questions around the Covid 19 virus in an appropriate way. This workbook has been developed in response to questions children and young people may have about the virus. Click on the blue writing to access the workbook.

For children in care this can be a diifficult time if access visits need to be cancelled. The blue links will bring you to a words and pictures story for young children living in foster care here and older children in foster care here

For children with additional needs
This is a social story which has been developed by Autism Northern Ireland www.autism.org
There are also lots of good resources from the National Council for Special Education for supporting children at home
Going to the test centre with your child

The HSE have developed some booklets for children and young people on what to expect at the test centre
Click here for getting ready to go the test centre
Click here for the drive in test centre