Limerick CYPSC has been involved in developing a new a new online resource www.limerickunitedagainstracism.ie which provides accessible information about the different types of racism, the impact of racism on victims and guidelines on how to have a conversation about racism. Resources on the website we developed in consultation with young people through Limerick Youth Service as well as with the Mid-West Migrant Community Network.
The Limerick United Against Racism campaign is an initiative of the Limerick Integration Working Group (IWG) and delivers on one of the priority actions in the local migrant integration strategy, Belonging to Limerick 2018-22: Limerick City and County Integration Plan. For more information and to get involved, follow Limerick United Against Racism on social media and visit www.limerickunitedagainstracism.ie
You can help by:
1) Following Limerick United Against Racism on social media, like, share and comment:
Twitter: @LKagainstracism
Instagram: @limerickunitedagainstracism
Facebook: @Limerick United Against Racism
2) Visiting. the website for tips and prompts to help guide you through the process of talking about racism: www.limerickunitedagainstracism.ie