Outdoor Play Conference 2021 - "Leave No Stone unskipped"
For further information on the very successful outdoor play conference, visit the Outdoor Play Mayo website.
See below, the opening address of the conference, and key notes address by Angela Hanscom:
Next video is the morning session for day 2:
Workshop 1
Workshop 2
Workshop 3
Workshop 4
Workshop 5
Book Magic
The Book Magic project is about encouraging and promoting the joy of reading. This carefully chosen collection of picture books can help young children and their families deal with feelings, emotions, and challenges. For more information, see the assocated material from a recent evalaution of the project
Book Magic Evaluation Report
Summary of Book Magic Evaluation
A list of titles in the Book Magic series is available on the Mayo County Library website
Parent/Baby Attachement Resourses
The sub group adapted a series of information leaflets and posters from Galway CYPSC, to promote good parent/baby attachment.
Poster 1
Poster 2
Poster 3
Poster 4
Mayo Health and Wellbeing Plan 0-3 (2018-2022)
This plan, an action of the Active and Healthy 0-6 Years Subgroup, aims to give children in Mayo the best start in life. It lists a number of actions that this subgroup will be working to achieve over the coming years.
Mayo Health and Wellbeing Plan 0-3 (2018-2022)
'Turning Play Inside Out' in Mayo
Free unstructured play outside in nature helps build happy, healthy and resilient children. All we have to do is create this environment and let children do their work … playing outdoors! Have a look at this short video to see why. Thanks to the Outdoor Explorers in Derryharriff, Castlebar for showcasing their wonderful preschool as part of the video.
Have a listen to Mayo CYPSC Co-ordinator and Mary Skillington, Lecturer and Course Co-ordinator of the Early Childhood Education and Care Programme in the Galway Mayo Institute of Technoloogy - Mayo Campus discussing the conference and events taking place over the Turning Play Inside Out Weekend held in Mayo in March 2018. This initiative was funded through the Healthy Ireland Fund. See Healthy Mayo Facebook page for more information on Healthy Ireland initiatives in Mayo.
Mayo Edible Landscape Project
An exciting new initiative, Mayo Edible Landscape Project, funded by Healthy Ireland, kicked off this April in Mayo. This Project aims to involve local youth and community groups in informing and shaping their local environment, tackling climate change and ensuring food sustainability.
The Edible Landscape Project based in Westport, teamed up with Mayo Children and Young People’s Services Committee (CYPSC) to develop this project on the Castlebar – Turlough Greenway, providing the expertise and delivering the workshops to the youth and community groups involved. Mayo CYPSC worked with a broad range of local groups and agencies, including Foróige Youth Projects in Castlebar and Turlough; Castlebar Tidy Towns; Le Chéile Family Resource Centre; Mayo Volunteer Centre; Mayo County Council; South West Mayo Development Company - Tús scheme; the National Museum of Country Life in Turlough; to bring a coordinated and collaborative approach to planting fruit trees and edible landscapes in two locations, at either end of the Turlough Greenway.
Blessed by good sunshine, the volunteers planted apple trees in Castlebar Town Park and developed an Edible ‘Forest Garden’ on the grounds of the National Museum of Country Life in Turlough over a number of days. They also participated in workshops where they learned about climate change and the issues it poses to our future food security, and got practical hands-on experience of growing their own food.