
There are 4 Sub-Groups under Wexford CYPSC.  All Sub-Groups were involved in an extensive consultation process to identify key priority actions for the new "Wexford Children and Young People's Plan Autumn 2020-2023".  See details below.

Young People and Mental Health

Chair: Karen Mc Cann, Gorey Youth Needs Group.

National Outcome 1 : "Active and Healthy, Physical and Mental Wellbeing".

Priorities : The “Young People and Mental Health” Sub Group have identified the following key priorities;

- Promoting infant mental health,

- Supporting young people and parents in relation to youth mental health and anxiety

- Capacity building for professionals in relation to mental health

- Capacity building for professionals in relation to disability conditions

- Supporting young LGBT+ people and their families

- Dissemination of information concerning mental health services in the county.

Learning and Development

Chair: Kieran Donohoe, CEO Ferns Diocesan Youth Service.

National Outcome 2 : "Achieving full potential in all areas of Learning and Development".

Priorities : The Learning and Development Sub-Group have identified three key areas;

- Promoting Early Literacy Development

- Supporting Transitions

- Increasing access to Early Years Services and Library Services

Health and Diversity 

Chair: Mandi Tighe, Manager Gorey Youth Needs Group.

National Outcome 1: "Active and Healthy, with Physical and Mental Wellbeing".

Priorities : The Health and Diversity Sub Group has identified three key focus areas to date;

- Promoting Early Childhood Nutrition

- Promoting Physical Activity / Obesity Prevention

- Increasing Physical Literacy

Prevention, Partnership and Family Support 

Chair: Tony Kennedy, Senior Manager for PPFS Waterford and Wexford.

National Outcome 3 : "Safe and Protected from Harm"

Priorities : This Sub Group is concentrating on the following priority areas;

- Supporting Parents

- Domestic, Sexual and Gender Based Violence

- Supporting Restorative Practice

- Supporting families in International Protection Accommodation Centres and families experiencing homelessness

- Promoting the use of restorative practice

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