Aged between 12-25 and need to talk? Support is available
To coincide with World Mental Health Day, HSE ROSP in collaboration with Louth CYPSC and Meath CYPSC along with key agencies have launched a Youth Resource Leaflet aimed at identifying mental Health supports for young people aged 12-25 living in Counties in Louth and Meath. For more information on supports available please click here.
Louth Meath Domestic Abuse Resource Pack
On July 1st 2022, Louth and Meath CYPSCs together with Tusla Louth Meath and its interagency Domestic Violence Partners launched a Resource Pack on Domestic Abuse. This initiative was led by the Louth and Meath CYPSC's Safe and Protected from Harm sub groups in the respective counties in line with the Children and Young People’s Plans objectives to increase the knowledge and skills among practitioners on the impact of Domestic Abuse on children, young people and their families.
Click here to view the ebook
Sleep Programme- Healthy Ireland
In collaboration with Healthy Ireland and The Genesis Programme , we are offering an accredited sleep Sound Training programme to practitioners who work with children under 5 years old. The aim of the programmes are to promote healthy sleep patterns in a classroom or group based setting. The training will be provided onlins and given by the renowned children's sleep charity, Sleep Scotland. Places are limited to those working in early years settings in Co. Louth. Check out the poster here and also the links for this innovative training.
What Works Initiaitive- Trauma Informed Training
Funding has been granted to The Genesis Programme in Louth to roll out training days with Rockpool Trauma Informed Centre on understanding Trauma and how it impacts young people and their families with the intention of becoming more trauma aware in our practice and becoming a community wide practice hub. The ABC of Trauma training will be a full one day online course held on 24th and 25th of January 2022. Check out the poster here and also the link to register for this training.
Young Carers Support Group
A new support group is being established for young people (12-14)- (14-17) who help someone who has a long term physical/mental condition. The group is being led out by YWI Louth and for further details please contact Monica on 086-0455739 or email for further information or check out their poster!
Tusla Fostering Online Information Session
Check out Tusla Fostering online information session for louth meath on Eventbrite on MondayNovember 8th.
Click on the link.
I am Baba- Louth Event
Join us in Ardee Library on wednesday 27th of October for I am Baba- a beautiful adventure of song, lights and playful textures for babies aged 0-12 months. This is an initiaitive betweenLouth library services and Louth CYPSC. Click here for further details.
Scoping Report- Community Safety and Wellbeing- Drogheda - creating a bridge to a better future
Click here to read the recently published scoping report on Community Safety and wellbeing : a report of a scoping review for the Department of Justice
Safer Internet Day 9th of February 2021
1. Online Safety Bootcamp for children (3rd to 6th Class)
To coincide with safer internet day, which takes place on 9th of February 2021, Cybersafeireland on behalf of Louth and Meath CYPSC's are hosting an online safety bootcamp for children (3rd to 6th class) at 3.30 each day beginning on Monday 1st March and ending on Friday 5th of march. Click here for more information on this fun, free programme.
To register for the event click on the link below:
2.Cybersafety webinar for Parents of Tweens and Teenagers
We are also hosting a one hour free webinar for parents of teenagers at 7 pm on Tuesday 2nd of March 2021.
Click here for more information
To register for the event click on the link below:-
3. Webinar for Youth workers and those who Work with children
This webinar is for professionals who work with children giving them tips to keep children safe and empower children to use tecnology resonsibly, respectfully, critically and creatively. Click here for more information
To register for the Youth workers seminar click on the link below:
Keep Well Campaign
As part of the Keep Well campaign, Louth LEADER Partnership (The Genesis Programme) and Louth CYPSC have worked together to host a series of events for children and families to lift the mood in these times. See below for details on upcoming events. These events are free and open to all.
Click here to find details of a free drama workshop for 8-12 years old facilitated by MAD Youth Theatre.
Click here for information on our Valentines Day Art Showcase entitled "Love my Family"
Click here for information on an upcoming webinar entitled; - "Parenting in a pandemic" by Dr. Colman Noctor
Click Here for further information on a Magic Workshop for children under 12.
Click here for further information on a mini Athletics workshop for children.
1st edition of CFSN Newsletter in Louth
Click here to find information on some of the services available to children, young people and families across Louth as well as information on the CFSN in Louth.
Suspensions & Exclusions in Primary School- Developing an Action Plan
Click here to find details on an upcoming webinar taking place on Tuesday 24th of November looking at developing an Action plan to look at suspensions and expulsions in primary schools. This is an interagency collaboration with The Genesis Programme, CAMHS, NEPS,tess, Principals of Primary schools in Dundalk,Louth LEADER Partnership and is hosted by School Completion Programme Dun Dealgan and Louth CYPSC.
Consultation Report on the needs of Migrant youth in Drogheda
Please click here to read the full report on the needs of migrant youths in Drogheda
Louth Local Sports Partnership - Annual Report 2019
Louth Local Sports Partnership has recently published their 2019 Annual Report showcasing the work of the LSP and its partners including Louth CYPSC. The report highlights the range of work to get all ages and abilities active.
Click here for full details
" Look, Say, Sing, Play"- An interactive App to promote positive play with babies
The MACE project (Multiple Adverse Childhood Experiences) has collaborated with NSPCC in NI to deliver a short play based workshop for parents from the ante-natal stage up to age two as a universal approach to play using resources from around the home . The online programme is free and comes with an interactive App to encourage positive play.
An online launch for professionals will take place on Tuesday 8th of September at 10 am and a follow up webinar for parents via Zoom will be held on September 17th at 10 am. Click here for the flyer for the launch and here for details of the webinar.
For further information contact Gavin McGee at
Stay Safe, Stay Connected, Stay Aware, Stay Happy
Louth Age Friendly Programme, Louth Older People's Forum and the Louth Community Call forum have developed a special brochure to highlight the NPHET guidelines to all grandparents and grandchildren to connect safely during this next phase.We are aware that grandparents play a vital role in childrens lives and want to highlight the significance of these measures as children go back into education. Click here to view the brochure for further information
Supporting Parents and Families through Summer 2020- The Genesis Programme- Louth
Click here for the latest Summer edition from The Genesis Programme of which Louth CYPSC is a member of the programme consortium. It is a new document with 62 pages of low cost activities, places to go and information to help parents navigate the summer months.
A Celebratory video of our recent collaboration with The Genesis Programme to distribute 2000 Activity packs to children
Click Here to watch a video compiled by The Genesis Programme showing strong evidence of the multi-sectoral collaboration that happened to plan, assemble, distribute and connect with 2,000 children across the county during the pandemic.
Seminar Report on Exclusions and Suspensions in Primary Schools - challenges and solutions
This half day workshop funded by Louth CYPSC focussed on good practice in relation to promoting positive behaviours in school and highlighting the evidence of how restorative practices can be used effectively in a school setting. A multi-agency group made up of tess, SCP, The Genesis Programme, CAMHS, NEPS and principals from schools in Dundalk came together to start a dialogue with primary schools on how pro-social interventions can enhance the learning experience of students. A total of 70 participants attended the initial workshop to hear inputs from Dr. Paul Downes, DCU, CAMHS, Tess, CDI Tallaght and Principals from schools who use restorative practices. A follow up seminar was planned to disemminate the feedback from the seminar and to invite stakeholders to come together to develop an action plan to adress this growing concern.
Click here for event flyer
Click here for Seminar report
Changing Lives Initiative- New App on ADHD for Families
The Changing Lives Initiative have launched an innovative App on ADHD to support families. The App helps families understand what ADHD is and provides practical strategies and tools for parents to use with their children. The App is particularly relevant for parents who have concerns about their child’s behaviour but are not yet sure if their child may have ADHD.
The App is also extremely useful for those working with children, in helping them understand ADHD and how they might support children who have issues with inattention, hyperactivity or impulsivity.
Download the App for free at
Click here for flyer on the initiaitve
We are delighted to announce an exciting initiative with Dundalk Credit Union and the Health Service Executive (HSE) to encourage children and young people to write letters to those who are cocooning during this Covid 19 crisis. This initiative will connect people of all ages and send notes of hope and happiness to those who need it most.We are asking you to upload this poster onto your respective web-site or your social media platforms please to promote this initiative.As Katherine Zappone, Minister for Children and Youth Affairs has said last week " Our physical world might have shrunk but our imaginations are limitless, so please keep creating, innovating and connecting to one another".Thank you for supporting this initiative and we look forward to reading the letters of reassurance and hope from our young people. We will pass them on to our older generation who are the roots that support us in life.
Click here for more information.
Safety Cards for Parents to discuss "extraordinary events" in Children's Lives
Click here to access a card to encourage children to stay safe and calm in an event outside of their normal experience.This card was reporduced by Louth CYPSC and developed by Dublin City North CYPSC.
Click here to access the application form for the Food Provision Scheme for Young Children aged 0-6 during the Covid-19 Crisis. Click here for the Questions and Answers document and more information about the the Food Provision Scheme.
Tusla Louth Meath in collaboration with Louth CYPSC have developed an online safety resource that parents can use to help them talk with and keep their children safe online during COVID 19. Please click on the link above for more information.
Help prevent the spread of Corona Virus. Click here to view and download the range of resources and information that have been developed to support children, young people, families and communities in keeping safe and staying well during the COVID-19 pandemic.
An extensive listing of websites of services, resources and ideas to support children and young people and families during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Genesis Area Based Childhood Programme knows that these are very unsettling and anxious times for parents and children alike.Through the Area Based Childhood (ABC) Programme and The Changing Lives Initiative Genesis is committed to delivering better outcomes for children, young people and families living within the Louth area. In these challenging times Genesis continues to support parents, young people and children as best it can and is endeavouring to reach out via its online platforms and through telephone contact. With this in mind, Genesis has put together a guide called Supporting Parents and Families through the Days and Weeks Ahead and hope that parents will find it a useful support while we are all social distancing to prevent the spread of the Corona Virus. The Genesis Team are fully contactable during this challenging period. Telephone 041 – 984 3333 or email
This local newsletter provides contact details for service delivery across County Louth during the curent COVID-19 pandemic. It was produced by Louth Child and Family Support Networks with the support of Louth CYPSC.
Click here to download the 1st Edition of the newsletter (This edition is up to date as of 7th April, 2020).
Click here to download the 2nd Edition of the newsletter (This edition is up to date as of 9th April, 2020).
Click here to download the 3rd Edition of the newsletter (This edition is up to date as of 17th April, 2020).
Click here to download the 4th Edition of the newsletter (This edition is up to date as of 24th April, 2020).
Click here to download the 5th Edition of the newsletter (This edition is up to date as of 1st May 2020)
Click here to download the 6th Edition of the newsletter (This edition is up to date as of 8th May 2020)
Click here to download the 7th Edition of the newsletter (This edition is up to date as of 15th May 2020)
Click Here to download the 8th Edition of the newsletter (This edition is up to date as of 22nd May 2020)
Click here to download the 9th Edition of the newsletter (This edition is up to date as of 29th May 2020)
Click here to download the 10th Edition of the newsletter (This edition is up to date as of 12th June 2020)
Click here to download the 11th Edition of the newsletter (This edition is up to date as of 19th June 2020)
Click here to download the 12th Edition of the newsletter (This edition is up to date as of 3rd July 2020)
Louth CYPSC Children and Young People's Plans
Please click here to view the Children and Young People's Plan for 2019-2021..
Please click here to view the Children and Young People's Plan for 2012-2014.
Louth Chalk Free Play Programme
In June 2019, Louth Local Sports partnership in collaboration with Louth CYPSC launched their Louth Chalk Free Play Programme, which is a resource given to all primary schools in County Louth aimed at getting children aged 4-11 years old back outside playing chalk games. We have also created a series of videos on how to draw the chalk games and demonstrating how to play them. The videos are available to view on the Louth Sports Partnership youtube channel as a guide for parents and children.
Click here to view the videos.
Please click here to view.
Please click here to view
Louth Parenting Forum's online directory of providers of parenting programmes in the local area.
Please click here to view.
Visit our Local Links page here.