Safe & Together Model Overview Training
Keeping Children Safe & Protected from Harm is one of five national outcomes defined within Better Outcomes Brighter Futures, The National Policy Framework for Children and Young People 2014 – 2020 and its successor Strategy, Young Ireland, National Policy Framework for Children and Young People 2023 – 2028.
Sligo Leitrim CYPSC Safe & Protected from Harm Subgroup is working towards achieving this objective under a priority area in the CYPP 2024 - 2026, that children and young people are safe from the impact of Domestic Violence.
Much work on Domestic Violence has been achieved by the subgroup, including the establishment of a Domestic Violence Working Group (2021); mapping of services (2021); Healthy v’s Unhealthy Relationships Programme (on-going); training of staff in the Circles of Security parenting programme; review of evidence-based programmes and interventions for children and young people and survey of current provision of Domestic Violence responses in Ireland (2021/2022); publication of the Lens on Domestic Violence: a Sligo Leitrim Response to children and young people (2022). An awareness raising and training workshop engaged with frontline staff in 2022.
In April 2024, Safe & Together Model Overview training was delivered in Sligo to 80 plus participants, by a Delivery Specialist at the Safe and Together Institute, UK. This one-day training introduced an overview of the model, which aligns with Signs of Safety (Tusla) but provides a more domestic violence-informed approach to child protection and welfare.
It provides a shared language and approach. It improves interagency collaboration that will support the development of a shared approach to this complex and challenging issue. The Model helps change the conversation about how we work with families impacted by domestic violence. It is an internationally recognised suite of tools and interventions designed to help professionals become domestic abuse informed. This evidence-based practice can help improve competencies and multi-disciplinary collaboration. The Model offers language, thinking and practices that help increase accountability for perpetrators as parents, reduce victim blaming and improve outcomes for children and families.
Information about this training has been shared with other counties. For further information contact Sligo Leitrim CYPSC Coordinator.
The Parent Hub Sligo Leitrim and West Cavan
The Parent Hub Sligo Leitrim and West Cavan is an online focal point for parents to easily access information on local supports. The workings of the hub are overseen by Parenting Support Champions who are supported by Tusla PPFS programme. Parenting Support Champions are drawn from a range of services and backgrounds involved in supporting parenting at different levels, including Sligo Family Resource Centre, Lifestart, HSE, Leitrim County Childcare Committee, Mohill Family Support Centre, Sligo County Childcare Committee.
The aim of the Parent Hub is to improve outcomes for parents and families by sharing information, providing support, promoting parental participation, and organising events for parents.
Parents can book from a range of parenting programmes suitable for parents, grandparents, guardians and carers. Many useful resources for parents, children, young people and families across both counties are provided. There is also helpful information on the website about scheduled support groups, support programmes, events and activities.
The Parent Hub is coordinated and supported by the Parent Hub Coordinator,
Parents and families can access the website click here Parent Hub Sligo, Leitrim & West Cavan | Parenting Support (
Partners include Sligo Leitrim CYPSC, Parenting Support Champions, HSE and Tusla.
The website was developed with support from Dormant Accounts Funding and What Works Initiative.

You can follow the Parenting Hub Sligo Leitrim Facebook page for information on parenting in Sligo Leitrim
Sligo Leitrim CYPSC Pilot Autism Transition Programme
The Sligo Leitrim CYPSC Economic Security & Opportunity Subgroup has as an objective in the CYPP 2024 – 2026, to assist young people with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) to progress to further or higher education, training, or employment.
A mapping exercise undertaken in 2022 outlined supports, services and programmes for young people with autism and furthermore identified gaps in service provision. In consultation with young people, parents, the services and supports mapped, it was recommended that an Autism Transition Support Programme was essential.
It is intended that the Programme will develop individualised approaches to support young people with autism aged 14-21 to fully participate in education, training and employment.
In January 2023, a consultant developed a comprehensive business case for such a programme and considered suitable funding opportunities to implement it. View here.
A pilot programme commenced this year funded by CYPSC Programme Fund, Tusla, International Protection Support Services (IPSS), Tusla Seed Funding and ATU St Angela’s College Access Fund, hosted by the Home Youth Liaison Service (HYLS).
A HYLS officer who will specifically focus on supporting young people diagnosed with mild autism aged between 14 to 21 years. The role is part-time, and the officer is currently working with two schools, in Leitrim and Sligo along with the two Community Training Centres in both counties.
The primary objective is to provide confidential, and non-judgmental support to young autistic people who for various reasons may be struggling or considering opting out of education or training. The goal is to enhance their personal and social development, encourage and support their integration into education or training, and help them navigate any other challenges they may be facing. The aim is to achieve this by developing relationships with the young people and their families, providing regular and consistent intervention and support tailored to their individual needs, liaising with other relevant agencies, and bridging any gaps in services to provide for smoother transitions. In doing so, the programme hopes to make a meaningful difference in their lives and support them in achieving their personal goals.
A referral form is available. A survey has been developed for families around obstacles they encounter. An information leaflet will be circulated too.
Further discussions with the Children’s Disability Network Team, Disability Services and the Manager of Psychology Services for Sligo Leitrim and West Cavan to support this role into the future are underway.
Sligo Leitrim CYPSC Report on Consultation with children and young people, parents and professionals to inform development on the CYPP 2024-2026.
Consulting with and engaging key stakeholders in the decision-making process of developing a new Children and Young People's Plan 2024-2026 is a key priority for Sligo Leitrim CYPSC. A robust consultation process took place in April and May 2023 that employed a range of methods to meet those varied needs of stakeholder groups. This report describes the methods used and the findings that emerged and were incorporated into the planning process. Click here to view link.
The development of a Participation Lab for children and young people across Sligo and Leitrim has been central to ensuring the voices of children and young people are heard and listened to by supports and services for them and their families in both counties.
The Local Participation Guidelines development started in 2016. It was supported by Tusla Child & Youth Participation Seed Funding (2016 - 2018). It was viewed by Sligo Leitrim CYPSC as a priority action, to ensure all who provide services for children and young people will consider individually and collectively how their practice will actively facilitate and support children and young people to participate and engage with their services.
All resources are guided by the Lundy Model of Participation and the Irish National Framework for Children and Young People’s Participation in Decision Making. The Participation Lab is a collection of resources, tools and guidelines to assist and support engagement with children and
All elements of the Lab are independent and can be accessed individually but work together and should be used as a package. Check out the Lab here.
The Sligo Leitrim Directory of Services
The Sligo Leitrim Directory of Services was launched in January 2016 and revised in 2021. A new logo and landing page was created in association with young people from Sligo and Leitrim. The directory may now be accessed using a QR code.
It is a collaborative action between the Sligo Leitrim Youth Mental Health Initiative and the Sligo Leitrim CYPSC. The directory provides official listings of over 115 services for children, young people and families in Sligo and Leitrim.
Click to visit Sligo Leitrim directory.

Sligo Leitrim has a Facebook page which can be found at the following link :

The Parenting Support Champions project is a Tusla national initiative to bring together practitioners who are already involved in Parenting and Family Support. The project began in 2016 and there are over 100 Parenting Support Champions.
The Sligo Leitirm Parenting Support Champions are:
Liz King: Sligo Family Resource Centre
Zara Kelly: CDNT
Nancy Healy: Leitrim County Childcare Committee
Mohill Family Support Centre
Pippa Daniels: Lifestart Supporting Parents
Roisin Mc Breen: Parent Hub Coordinator Sligo Leitrim
Aedamar Keenan: Senior CFSN Coordinator, Tusla PPFS
The role of Parenting Support Champions is to:
- Promote Tusla’s 50 Key Parenting Support messages including Parenting24seven and to share these messages with parents, colleagues
- Establish links with CYPSC, CFSNs and other parenting platforms
- Find local opportunities to develop approaches to supporting parenting in Sligo/ Leitrim
To find out about another CYPSC click here.
National Play Day 2023
On July 7th the National Play Day event took place in Doorly Park, Sligo from 4 to 7pm.
This event is funded by DCEDIY, through Sligo Co Council. A steering group comprised of staff from the Local Authority, Sligo Sport and Recreation Partnership, Sligo Co Childcare Committee, Parent Hub Coordinator, and Sligo Leitrim CYPSC led out on the event which provided fun and creative outdoor activities for all ages and abilities.
Local Link kindly provided transport for some families newly settled in Co Sligo, where public transport is not available.
Activities on the day included:
Art and Craft, Music, Storytelling, and much, much more.