Sligo Leitrim CYPSC has developed a new three-year Children and Young People's Plan for Sligo and Leitrim (CYPP), 2024 - 2026.
Summary of Outcome Areas and Local Priority Areas
Outcome: Active and Healthy, Physical and Mental Wellbeing
Local Priority Areas:
- Sexual Health and wellbeing: awareness and education for children, young people, parents and professionals.
- Supporting children and young people with a disability: opportunities for social development and wellbeing.
- Supporting families: coping in changing circumstances.
- Promoting physical activity and wellbeing: to foster coping, resilience and mental wellbeing.
- Substance misuse: managing the impact on families.
- Child and youth mental health: supporting the development of a new service.
Outcome: Achieving full potential in learning and development
Local Priority Areas:
- Address the identified support and information needs of all parents in line with and through implementation of the Sligo Leitrim Parenting Support Strategic Plan 2022 - 2026.
- Provision of training for parents and professionals on infant mental health, including ACES, trauma and attachment.
Outcome: Safe and Protected from Harm
Local Priority Areas:
- Safeguarding children and young people online.
- Enhance young peoples' experience of school, post Covid: creating a supportive environment, supporting children and young people to manage their relationships.
- Domestic Violence: awareness and education.
- Healthy relationships: awareness and education.
- Effective interagency response to knife crime and concealed weapons, antisocial behaviour and intimidation by young people.
- Build awareness of drug trends and supports available to children, young people and families.
Outcome: Economic security and opportunity
Local Priority Areas:
- Pre-employment opportunities for socially excluded young people.
- Training opportunities for socailly excluded young people.
- Support the employment of young people from new communities, young Travellers and others.
- Develop transition supports for young people with autism.
Outcome: Connected respected and contributing to their world
Local Priority Areas:
- Enhance the participation of children and young people in services, groups and organisations that they are accessing.
- Research and evidence progress and impact of implementation of the Lundy Model of Child and Youth Participation through Sligo Leitrim Participation Lab.
- Promote transport affordability and accessibility.
- Support the development of a Digital Youth Work Hub in the region.
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