Local Resources

Please find below a number of local resources for the Longford Westmeath area: 

Longford Westmeath Children and Young People's Plan 2020 - 2022 - The overall purpose of the LW CYPSC is to ensure better outcomes for children and young people through enhanced co-ordination of local services and organisations. The CYPSC plan was developed based on extensive consultations and feedback from children, young people, families and local services across Longford and Westmeath. 

Longford Westmeath CYPSC Services - Useful Contact details for Child, Youth and Family Services in Longford and Westmeath

LW CYPSC Appropriate Foods for Age Initiative - Weaning Resource List - A list of useful resources for parents and professionals to assist when weaning young children to solid foods

A Guide to Services for Young People with Disabilities in Longford Westmeath - a guide to disability services filled with information for both parents and professionals. 

LW CYPSC Early Years Promoting Play Resource List - A list of useful resources for parents and professionals  to promote play in the early years 0 - 6years

LW CYPSC Toilet Training Webinars 2024 hosted by NCN - A PowerPoint Presentation with useful tips and advice for parents on toilet training

Non-Violence Resistance Midlands Parent Leaflet - The NVR programme is for parents or carers who are experiencing child to parent violence, intimidation, emotional abuse or controlling behaviour. Non-Violent Resistance is an evidencebased, non-blaming and relatively shortterm intervention model that empowers parents and people working with them to take positive action to end the abusive and/or violent behaviour of a child.

Further Education and Training Options Longford Westmeath -  The following are PDF of PowerPoint Presentations provided by LW ETB to LW CYPSC regarding further training opportunities in the two counties, click on the links below for further details:

Athlone               Mullingar              Longford

LW CYPSC Family Wellness Initiative - Parenting Webinar Series Nov 2023 - This resource has been collated based on discussions and recommendations made during the LW CYPSC Parenting Webinar Series and is not exhaustive of all resources currently available. This list has been collated as a tool to assist parents. LW CYPSC are not affiliated with any of the resources being promoted in this document however our member organisations have found the resources contained within to be of value in their work with children and families

LW CYPSC Family Wellness Initiative - Parenting Webinar Series Nov 2022This resource has been collated based on discussions and recommendations made during the LW CYPSC Parenting Webinar Series and is not exhaustive of all resources currently available. This list has been collated as a tool to assist parents. LW CYPSC are not affiliated with any of the resources being promoted in this document however our member organisations have found the resources contained within to be of value in their work with children and families

Children and Young People's Sense of Covid (CYPSC) Consultation Longford Westmeath 2022 - The effects of the Covid-19 pandemic has had far reaching repercussions across society and has reshaped how we experience our everyday lives. Drawing on a qualititative research framework utilising focus groups and online surveys, this report reflects the findings of a small scale CYPSC consultation with 112 children and young people aged from 6 - 18 years living in Longford and Westmeath. The findings will  inform the work of the LW CYPSC Youth Forums in 2023. 

LW CYPSC Youth Forums - Understanding Social Media Video SeriesLongford Westmeath CYPSC Youth Forums have created a video series that explores Social Media from a young person's perspective and encourages adults to 'Don't ban us, Understand us' when it comes to using the various Social Media Platforms. In this series, the young people explore both the positive aspects of Social Media as well as highlighting the challenges for other young people to be mindful of. The videos are a result of the LW CYPSC Internet Safety component, of the Healthy Ireland funded ‘Our Voice Our Wellbeing’ initiative in which 75 young people from across Longford and Westmeath participated in.

Click on the links below for each of the videos (each video is under two minutes in duration)

Let's Chat SnapChat


Investigating Instagram

Lets Talk Tik Tok

Finding Facebook

Let's Get Smart on Social Media

Longford Westmeath CYPSC Youth Forums Infograph - Infograph developed in 2021 based on feedback from members of the Longford Westmeath CYPSC Youth Forums , where children and young people aged 6 - 18years from across Longford and Westmeath come together in four locations, Granard, Ballymahon, Athlone and Ballynacarrigy and work alongside the LW CYPSC to promote and assist in the ongoing development of child and youth services in Longford and Westmeath.