Five National Outcomes

YOUNG IRELAND National Policy Framework for Children and Young People 2023-2028

Young Ireland is the national policy framework for children and young people.  It is the successor policy framework to Better Outcomes, Brighter Futures (mentioned below). It's central aim is to provide a platform to realise the rights of children and young people in Ireland, so that all partners can work effectively together to ensure children and young people can thrive .  It preserves the centralisation of an outcomes-focussed approach for children and young people's services in Ireland.

Better Outcomes, Brighter Futures: The National Policy Framework for Children and Young People 2014-2020

Better Outcomes, Brighter Futures: The National Policy Framework for Children and Young People 2014-2020  was the first overarching national policy framework for children and young people aged 0-24 years. 

The purpose of the framework was to co-ordinate policy across Government Departments, Agencies and constituent sectors to achieve better outcomes for children and young people. It is a whole-of-government framework directly impacting on children and young people, aged 0-24 years; that is one third of Ireland's population.

Better Outcomes, Brighter Futures wass predicated on cross-departmental and interagency collaboration, both nationally and locally. It underscored the necessity of interagency working and tasked CYPSC with a key role in this regard.

It set out five National Outcomes for children and young people; the overarching and unifying outcomes structuring policy for children and young people across government, agencies and sectors which have a role and remit for working with children and young people.

The work of Children and Young People’s Services Committees is informed by these five national outcomes for children and young people.  The five national outcomes we want for all children and young people are that they are:

  1. Active and healthy with physical and mental well being          
  2. Achieving full potential in all areas of learning and development 
  3. Safe and protected from harm                                                                       
  4. Have economic security and opportunity                                       
  5. Connected, respected and contributing to their world