Donegal Children and Young People's Services Committee was one of four pilot sites for the initiative, the first meeting of Donegal CYPSC was in April 2007.
The Committee is chaired by the Area Manager for Donegal from Tusla the Child and Family Agency and the Deputy Chair is a representative of Donegal County Council.
Donegal Children & Young People’s Services Committee
Improving the lives of Children and Young People Across Donegal
Children and young people services committees (CYPSC) are set up in every county across Ireland as part of the Government’s plan to get the best outcomes for children and young people from birth to 24 years of age. The purpose of the CYPSCs is to bring statutory, community and voluntary agencies providing services to children and young people together, to cooperate and plan and work in the coordinated way.
Donegal CYPSC has a countrywide structure, which supports this joint planning and coordination across all of Donegal. This will ensure that our children, young people, and their families receive improved add accessible services. This in turn will help Donegal children and young people to achieve they National Outcomes set out in better outcomes brighter futures the national policy framework for children and young people 2014-2020: National Outcomes: That children and young people are:
❖ active and healthy with physical and mental well-being
❖ achieving full potential in all areas of learning and development
❖ safe and protected from harm.
❖ have economic security and opportunity.
❖ connected respected and contributing to their world.
Click here to view our membership.
Donegal CYPSC New Member Welcome Pack.
Click here to view, download and print.