Former Structures

Children and Young People's Policy Consortium

The Children and Young People’s Policy Consortium was established in 2014 as part of the implementation structures outlined in Better Outcomes, Brighter Futures. The Consortium was chaired by the Secretary General of the Department of Children and Youth Affairs (DCYA) and comprised of senior officials from Government departments and agencies and representatives from advisory and local operational fora. The Consortium had oversight of and drove cross-Government implementation of Better Outcomes, Brighter Futures and its supporting strategies, and reported annually to Government on progress achieved.

Children and Young People's Services Committees National Steering Group

The main function of the CYPSC National Steering Group was to support the effective operation and practical implementation of CYPSC at local level. The CYPSC National Steering Group addressed issues and obstacles that needed resolution at national level. The Chair of the CYPSC National Steering Group was a member of the Children and Young People’s Policy Consortium and utilised that forum to promote the work of CYPSC and escalate any pertinent issues that required a national response. The CYPSC National Steering Group provided guidance and advice on strategic, policy and operational issues relevant to the local committees. Membership of the Steering Group comprised of senior representatives from Tusla-Child and Family Agency, Health Service Executive, City/County Councils, Education and Training Board Ireland, the Community and Voluntary sector, Department of Children and Youth Affairs, Department of Education and Skills, Department of Housing, Planning, Community and Local Government, a young person aged 18-24 years, personnel from local CYPSC (Chairperson, vice Chairperson and CYPSC Co-ordinator), the National Co-ordinator for CYPSC and a independent Chairperson.

Click here for a listing of the previous membership of the CYPSC National Steering Group, now stood down.

Steering Group Minutes 

15th October 2020

29th January 2019

6th June 2019

19th September 2019

18th September 2018

19th June 2018

6th February 2018

26th September 2017

1st June 2017

9th February 2017

2nd June 2016

24th February 2016