Key priorities of Kerry CYPSC include:
- The mental health and well-being of children and young people in Kerry will be improved and all children and young people will be able to access appropriate mental health care supports when they require them.
- To enhance adolescent alcohol and drug services in Kerry to ensure children and young people impacted by substance misuse can access the supports they require when they require them.
- To support parents to access appropriate information and support services when they require them through the development of the Kerry Parents Hub.
- To work with our stakeholders to ensure all children and young people (0-24) with additional needs receive the supports they require so they can lead full and independent lives.
- To support transitions in education from early childhood education to further education, training and third level education, especially for those most at risk.
- To work with our stakeholders to increase awareness raising and training on Domestic, Sexual and Gender Based Violence (DSGBV) and develop interagecy initiatives to address DSGBV in Kerry.
- To facilitate the active participation of children, young people and parents in the work of Kerry CYPSC and its working groups.
- To strengthen interagency collaborative working in Kerry which responds to the needs and emerging needs of children, young people and families in the county.
Click here to view our membership.