Child Protection, Tusla
Partnership, Prevention and Family Support, Tusla
Education and Welfare Services, Tusla
Children in Care, Tusla
Galway Rape Crisis Centre
An Garda Síochána
Public Health Nursing, HSE
Health and Wellbeing Division, HSE
Disability Services, HSE
Health and Wellbeing Division, HSE
Psychology, HSE
Area Medical Office, HSE
Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services
Galway City and County Childcare Committee
The Probation Service
Galway City Partnership
National Educational Psychology Service
Irish Primary Principals’ Network
National Assoc. of Principals and Deputy Principals
Youth Work Ireland
COPE Galway
Family Resource Centres, Galway
Galway Roscommon Education and Training Board
Údarás na Gaeltachta
NUI, Galway Students’ Union
Galway Traveller Movement
Western Region Drug and Alcohol Task Force