Child & Youth Mental Health
Chair: Jimmy Mulligan, Manager, South West Coounselling Centre
National Outcome: Active & Healthy with physical and mental well being
This group is working to ensure that appropriate services and supports are available in Kerry to meet the mental health needs of children and young people. A particular focus is on strengthening the links between services & to communities to ensure smooth transitions into and out of services as required. The group also works to enhance information provision on child and youth mental health services available in the county to ensure children and young people can access thr right service at the right time.
Drugs & Alcohol
Chair: Kate Gibney, Coordinator, Southern Regional Drugs & Alcohol Task Force
National Outcome: Active & Healthy with physical and mental well being
The aim of the Drugs and Alcohol working group is to reduce alcohol and drug misuse amongst young people in Kerry. The group is working to enhance the continuum of supports available to children, young people and parents impacted by substance misuse and to ensure young people can access support services when they require them.
Progression Pathways for Children and Young People with Additional Needs
Chair: Ann O'Dwyer, Director of Schools, Kerry Education and Training Board
National Outcome: Active & Healthy with physical and mental well being
The Progression Pathways Working Group has recently developed two online information resources for parents, young people and practitioners which provides information on all services and supports available for children (0-17) and adults (18+) with additional needs across health, education, community and financial supports. The group will build on this work to strengthen and enhance opportunities for those with additional needs to lead full and independent lives.
Parenting & Early Years
Chair: Aileen Kelleher, Manager, Kerry County Childcare Committee
National Outcome: Achieving full potential in all areas of learning & development / (TG) Supporting Parents in their Parenting Role
The Parenting and Early Years Working Group is working to support the co-ordination of Parenting and Family Learning Programmes for parents in Kerry. The Group recently completed consultations with parents (x475) and practitioners (x80) which highlighted the need for an in-person Kerry Parents Hub which would provide parents with accurate information and support to access services as they require them. The group will work to establish the Kerry Parents Hub and address the needs identified by parents in the 'Kerry Needs Analysis and Parents Support Strategy'.
Prevention, Partnership & Family Support
Chair:Breda Lynch, Area Manager for Kerry, Tusla the Child and Family Agency
National Outcome: Safe & protected from harm
This working group supports the development and delivery of Tusla Prevention, Partnership and Family Support, including the delivery of the Meitheal practice model in Kerry. It works with stakeholders to identify issues and respond appropriately to same as they arise in the county through the three Child and Family Support Networks.
Youth Participation
Chair: Seamus Whitty, Youth Officer, Kerry Education and Training Board
National Outcome: Connected, respected & contributing to their world
The Youth Participation working group is working with all Kerry CYPSC working groups and member agencies to develop and strengthen structures and mechanisms to enhance the active participation of children and young people in the planning and delivery of services at local level in Kerry. The group published the '2022 Youth Participation Report' which identified issues and concerns of children and young people in Kerry. The group is working with stakeholders across the county to address these issues and improve outcomes for children and young people in the county.
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