Active & Healthy
National Outcome: Active & Healthy, Physical Mental Well Being
All children are physically healthy and make positive health choices, have good mental health, positive and respectful approach to relationships and sexual health. Enjoy play, recreation, sports, arts, culture and nature.
-Child Youth Mental Health subgroup
The Inbetweeners Report Completed by Childhood Development Initiative this report Identifies and quantifies the unmet mental health needs of children and adolescents in Tallaght study also researched the experiences of parents and service providers. The findings showed a major shortage of services, and even after formal diagnosis, many young people were still not necessarily able to access services. This is especially the case where young people have a ‘dual diagnosis’ with more than one difficulty.
National Outcome: Achieving full potential in all areas of learning & development.
All children will have the key skills needed to engage successfully in the education system on entry to Primary school. Every child will achieve their learning potential through the school system and other learning opportunities.
Safe and Secure
National Outcome: Safe & protected from harm.
Children are physically and emotionally safe in their homes, families, and communities. Children engage positively in their community through quality play sport and recreational facilities.
- Help @ Home
-Youth Diversion sub-group
Economic Security & Opportunity
National Outcome: Economic Security
-Homeless Families Sub Group
The aim of this project is to explore and understand the needs and priorities of families experiencing homelessness within the South Dublin area.Using a variety of innovative, person-centred methodologies, this project aims to give voice to the lived experience of both families who have experienced homelessness, and to the people who work on a day to day basis providing services to families who find themselves in this most vulnerable of situations.
Click here to view Many Hearts No Homes Report
Child Poverty Sub Group
National Outcome: Connected, respected & contributing to their world.
All children and families have the opportunity to actively participate in improving their communities and services.
Interagency Case Work
Children and families receive quality supports in a planned, integrated and supportive manner.
- Critical Incident Protocol Group & Protocal click here for copy of protocol
Communications, Data and Planning
Systems, structures and data collection processes in place which enable agencies and practitioners to work collaboratively to identify and address children’s needs.
Click here to see our Local Resources