South Dublin CYPSC News & Resources
' Have Your Say' Consultation on Children & Young People's Needs in South Dublin
South Dublin CYPSC is undertaking research to help us prepare our new children and young peoples plan. Consultation is an integral part of the plans development, and we need your help. Please click on the link below for the relevant survey
-Survey for children early years & preschool age
- Survey for primary school children
-Survey for post primary school children & young people
We would also like to hear from staff & managers working in various services about your experiences with South Dublin CYPSC . please click on Members & wider stakeholder survey.
International Protection Information & Resources
The South Dublin Community Response Forum provides information on local supports available to refugees and displaced persons living in South Dublin County. You can also find updates on services available in South Dublin County on the Community Response Forum Facebook page.
Irish Government Central Information Access point for information on how to access all supports, including accommodation, social welfare, education and health care CLICK HERE
Ukrainian Language Link Russian Language Link
Children First & Safe Guarding
Information about Children First, including links to the Act and National Guidance
Tusla has developed helpful resources on statutory obligations as well as safeguarding best practice for organisations working with children and young people. These are available on their website Resources include Guidance on Developing a Child Safeguarding Statement and Child Safeguarding: A Guide for Policy, Procedure and Practice
Online training programme is available on the Tusla website
Anyone with a child protection concern should contact their local duty social work office, details are available on the Tusla website at or through the Tusla online portal In cases of emergency, where a child or young person appears to be at immediate and serious risk, An Garda Síochána (AGS) should be contacted.
Finding Childcare or A School Place NEW
Childcare - . You can contact your local County Childcare Committee who can direct you to the appropriate local childcare provider NEW
School Places-Children aged between 4 and 19 will be supported to access public primary or post-primary education provided by the State. Parents & Careers Guide to School Enrolment ENGLISH OR UKRAINIAN
-Education & Department of Education Regional & Educational Language Teams (REALT) CLICK HERE NEW
-The Tusla Education Support Service can assist you to find school for your child / children. Contact them CLICK HERE
-A list of all schools is avaialable, to you help you find your local schools CLICK HERE
-Tips for Parents & Learning Resources CLICK HERE
Youth Information Supports & Third Level Education
Crosscare informaiton page provides information on various government and NGOs websites explaning what Youth Information is and where they can access it. Click Here
QQI has published a guide, in Ukrainian, to its online foreign qualifications recognition service (NARIC). This guide will help those arriving from Ukraine compare their qualifications to similar awards on the Irish National Framework of Qualifications, and may assist them in accessing education and employment opportunities here in Ireland.
Health Supports
HSE Repsonse Site - updated with guides and information on health service in Ukrainian, Russian, and new Emergency Multilingual Aid assistance manuals
-Responding to Trauma Helpful Do's & Dont's published by the Psychological Society of Ireland NEW
Parenting Supports
Tusla local Contact List
South Dublin County Partnership children and family activities. for a full list of activities planned for January to April 2022 CLICK HERE NEW
St Kevins FRC Tallaght click here for details on supports
Deansrath FRC Clondalkin click here for details on supports
Quarryvale Family Resource Centre list of current services and upcoming programmes click here
List of parent programmes currenlty availalble through Foróige click here
Blueskies Parenting Programmes & Supports Clondalkin click here
Killinarden Kiltipper Dropin Open 
A number of local services have been working to establish a drop in support service in the Killinarden area for parents who may be seeking support and to help them access services in their area. The new drop in service is available to parents every Tuesday morning in Killinarden Family Resource Centre. Phone 0879078763
Progressing Disablity Services
PDS is a significant change programme for the provision of therapeutic services for children from birth to 18 years of age. It is being rolled out nationally by the HSE in partnership with its funded voluntary organisations. PDS will
- Provide a clear pathway and fairer access to services for all children with a disability.
- Make the best use of available resources for the benefit of children and their families
- Ensure effective teams working in partnership with families and with education staff to support children with a disability to reach their full potential.
PDS requires pooling together all resources, including staff, facilities and equipment, from the different voluntary agencies and the HSE providing specialist children’s disability services, in order to set up Children’s Disability Network Teams (CDNTs). A CDNT comprises a team of health and social care professionals who will provide services for a specific geographical area. Details for local contacts can be found here