
Children and Young People's Services Committees were formerly known as Children’s Services Committees (CSCs). Four committees were established initially, in 2007, as part of the Working Together for Children Initiative of the then Office of the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs (OMCYA) which became the Department of Children and Youth Affairs (DCYA) and is now the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth (DCEDIY) . The first four committees were set up in Dublin City, Limerick City, Donegal and South Dublin on a pilot basis to explore the potential for interagency working in order to secure better developmental outcomes for all children in their area; through the more effective integration and planning of services and interventions at local level. 

Drawing on the learning and experience of the pilot CSCs there are now twenty-seven CYPSC areas across Ireland. Their establishment occurred on a phased basis during a time of significant change in the landscape of Irish service provision. As each new committee established it capitalised on the lessons learned and practices developed county by county by longer established committees. Now fullly operational each committee has developed and is implementing their Children and Young People's Plan (CYPP) for their county.  

The Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth provides strategic and policy direction for Children and Young People's Services Committees (CYPSC). National and local level operational leadership of CYPSC is provided by TUSLA – Child and Family Agency.  

The age remit of CSCs was from 0 – 18 years of age.  In 2014 this was extended for CYPSC to 0 - 24 years of age in order to align with Better Outcomes, Brighter Futures the National Policy Framework for Children and Young People 2014 - 2020 and to ensure a more connected and co-ordinated response by services to the needs and aspirations of children and young people.

Children and Young People's Services Committees operate in the areas listed below.  You can visit each of the 27 local CYPSC to find out what going on in their area. 

The CYPSC pages will be updated as work progresses so please visit now and check back for updates next time too.