Local Resources

"An Introduction to Disability Equality, Inclusion and Human Rights" eLearning Course

This  eLearning course was developed by the Disability Equality Specialist Support Agency (DESSA), Dublin City South, South Dublin, Waterford and Wexford CYPSC's in collaboration with the Independent Living Movement Ireland (ILMI) and ATU St. Angela's College, Sligo.   

It is intended to be a learning tool for staff and volunteers working with children and young peoples services and in the broader community and voluntary sector.  It aims to enhance understanding and awareness of disability as a human rights and social inclusion issue and will support staff and volunteers to reflect on and improve work practice. 

The course was formally launched on October 5th 2023 in Pearse Street Library, Dublin by Minister Ann Rabbit TD, Minister of State at the Dept. of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth with Special Responsibility for Disability.

The eLearning module is available free of charge and can be accessed on the DESSA website here

The project received a Tusla Excellence and Innovation Award in 2024.

Wexford "Emotionally Based School Avoidance" (EBSA) Resource Pack Launched.

On Wednesday May 31st 2023, a large group attended the launch of the Wexford "Emotionally Based School Avoidance" (EBSA) Resource Pack, in the Riverside Park Hotel, Enniscorthy.  Wexford CYPSC supported the development of the pack which was compiled by a group of professionals in collaboration with schools.  The development of the pack was motivated by concerns about the issue of EBSA in Co. Wexford.

When EBSA becomes entrenched, it can have negative impacts on children and young people in terms of their mental health and wellbeing.  The impact on families who are trying to support children and young people to return to education, can also be considerable.

This pack was developed to provide information and practical tools on how to address EBSA.  It is informed by the experience of professionals who work to support children, including pre-schoolers and young people and their families who have been impacted by EBSA.

We appreciate the support of Wicklow CYPSC who had previously developed a "Wicklow School Refusal Pack".  They generously shared their experience with us.  The Wicklow pack was used as the basic framework and adapted to the Wexford context with additional sections added in relation to Covid, world events, early years and Autism.

The information contained in the pack is supported by research and grounded in a theoretical framework.  You can read more about this in the Literature Review that accompanies the Resource Pack.

The Resource Pack is available to download here

The Literature Review is available to download here

An Implementation Group has been working to ensure that the Reseouce Pack is used and some practical tools have been developed to aid with implementation.  This includes a short video targetting parents and posters aimed at teaching staff.  These resources can be accessed on the Wexford CYPSC website here

In November 2023, Wexford CYPSC supported the roll out of workshops to parents and in January 2025, a full day workshop on "Understanding EBSA for Professionals" will be delivered.

"Building Relationships, Supporting Journeys" : Enhancing Outcomes for Young People who are not in Employment, Education or Training (NEET).

"Building Relationships, Supporting Journeys" was officially launched on Thursday June 1st 2023 in the Brandon House Hotel, New Ross, Co. Wexford.

This research which focuses on young people who are not in employment, education or training (NEET), was named as a priority in Wexford Children and Young People's Plan 2020 -2023, click here to access.

The research was co-funded by Wexford CYPSC, Waterford and Wexford Education & Training Board and Wexford County Council.  An interagency steering group was formed to guide the project.  They were committed to ensuring that the voices of young people were heard throughout the research.  Thank you to all the young people who contributed through focus groups and case studies and to the professionals who supported them to do so.

An implementation plan has been identified and we look forward to continuing the collaborative approach when rolling out the recommendations.

The "Building Relationships, Sharing Journeys" report can be accessed here.

Wexford CYPSC hosts event to celebrate Traveller Projects in Co. Wexford.

Wexford CYPSC hosted a special event to celebrate and acknowledge the work of local Traveller projects on Wednesday March 8th 2023 in the Riverbank House Hotel, Wexford Town.

The event commenced with an overivew of the Traveller Interagency Group.  Presentations were made on a wide range of  projects that support the Traveller community across the life-span.  In relation to the early years, there was an input by facilitators on the Parentchild+ programme that  supports Traveller families.  Representatives from Wexford County Childcare Committee provided an overview of a leaflet that was produced to promote Traveller participation in early education.  Moving onto the teenage years, supports for young Travellers were the focus of presentations by Youth New Ross and Ferns Diocesan Youth Service.

Taghmon Family Resource Centre presented an overview on how it has adopted an interagency response to meeting the needs of the local Traveller community.  Traveller Community Health Workers also provided an interesting insight into their work and the relevants issues arising in their community.

Speaking at the event, Wexford CYPSC Chairperson, Greg Mullan commended the presentations on the day and noted the breadth of work and good practice in County Wexford.  He particularly thanked the members of the Traveller community who came and shared their thoughts and experiences on the day.

Online Launch of "Wexford Children & Young People's Plan Autumn 2020-2023".

Wexford Children and Young People's Plan Autumn 2020 - 2023 was launched with a short online video on Friday October 22nd 2021.  To view the video, see below.  This is the second CYPP developed by Wexford CYPSC and it builds on the achievements of the previous plan which includes increased inter-agency collaborations, enhanced parenting and early intervention supports through Wexford Parents Hub and increased capacity building.

Key priority areas have been identified under the five national outcomes and Wexford CYPSC intend to further ember their work on mental health, parenting support, support for vulnerable children and young people and those that are not engaged in education, training or employment.

"Wexford Children & Young People's Plan Autumn 2020-2023" can be accessed here.

Wexford CYPSC Service Videos Developed

Some of the CYPSC partner organisations that provide supports to children, young people and families in Co. Wexford, have developed short videos outlining details of the service they provide and how they can be accessed.  The service videos were also launched on October 22nd and can be accessed here.

#HereForYouSouthEast Bereavement Support Campaign

The HSE Suicide Resource Office in collaboration with the Children and Young People's Services Committees and the Healthy County Committees in South East Community Healthcare ran a Bereavement Support Campaign.  #HereForYouSouthEast commenced on Monday September 6th 2021 and during the campaign, eight organisations that provide services and supports to people who are experiencing grief and loss were profiled.  

Each week an information sheet on the service, a promotional video and helpful resources were released.  Materials that can be used and shared on social media channels were also made available.

The following services were profiled : The Irish Hospice Foundation, Anam Cara, The Irish Childhood Bereavement Network (ICBN), Rainbows, Barnardos, The HSE Bereavement Counselling Service for Traumatic Deaths, Pieta, Cancer Support Services in the South East.

For more information and to access the promotional materials and social media assets, please click here.

National Breastfeeding Week October 1st - 7th October 2023

"Making our Communities and Workplaces more Breastfeeding Friendly" is the theme of National Breastfeeding Week 2023.  To celebrate, the Breastfeeding Task Group" of Wexford CYPSC has organised two free coffee mornings.  On Tuesday October 3rd, a coffee morning will be held in Whites Hotel, Wexford Town, Y35 C5PF from 10am-12pm.  On Thursday October 5th, another coffee morning will be held in the Presentation Arts Centre, Enniscorthy, Y21 X889.  Members of support groups such as La Leché League and Cuidiú, as well as Specialist Lactation Consultants will be there to mingle and provide support.  All are welcome to attend these events which can be booked in advance on Eventbrite here or people can simply turn up on either / both days.  This project is supported by Wexford CYPSC through the DCEDIY/CYPSC Fund.

In 2022, the Breastfeeding Task Group of Wexford CYPSC supported the development of a short  video.  The aim is to support breastfeeding parents and offer practical advice and helpful information to guide viewers in accessing any support they need locally in Co. Wexford.  The video features Siobhán Sinnott (HSE Regional Child Health Development Programme Officer) talking with the Domino Service Manager / Lactation Consultant in Wexford General Hospital, a Clinical Midwife Specialist, a Breastfeeding Counsellor with Cuidiú and a Breastfeeding mother.  This short video was developed as part of the "Parenting Today" series with Wexford Public Library service and can be viewed below.    The Task Group have also developed an information leaflet on services and supports which is available to access here.

"Wexford Great Spaces and Places" Wellbeing Map for Children by Children

The "Great Spaces and Places" project was led by Wexford Mental Health Association with inter-agency support.  Wexford CYPSC is delighted to have been a partner in this project.  Children were involved in all aspects of the development of this project which has resulted in a booklet and map for families and carers to support outdoor activities and play. 

The intention is to ensure that children and young people are healthy with positive physical and mental wellbeing, in accordance with Ireland's National Policy Framework for Children and Young People.

To read more about this project and to view the map please click here.

"Not Around Us" Wexford Initiative

Wexford's "Not Around Us" initiative is an invitation from young people to consider your activity in spaces where there are children and young people, in order to provide smoke / vape free environments for our young people and to de-normalise smoking and vaping for the next generation.

The campaign is being led by the Healthy Wexford Committee and Wexford CYPSC is a partner in the project which was formally launched on Thursday 23rd September 2021.

The purpose of "Not Around Us" Wexford is four-fold;

  • Helping to protect children and young people from second-hand smoke exposure;
  • Contributing to the de-normalisation of smoking for children and young people;
  • Raising awareness and support amongst all stakeholders in the county on "Tobacco / Vape Free Ireland" and everyone playing a part in supporting it;
  • Signposting to HSE Quit services

To access more information on the initiative please click here.

Promotion of Early Literacy

In Autumn 2019, Wexford CYPSC launched a campaign promoting the importance of early literacy.  The project was led by Wexford County Childcare Commitee with the support of Wexford County Council Public Library Service. The campaign involved the development of three short videos that highlight and promote early literacy at 0-12 months, 2-3 years and 3-5 years.  Helpful tips and links to other useful information are also available.  The campaign was promoted through social media and received a very positive response.  To view the videos see below.

This is a Wexford CYPSC project that was made possible with funding from the Healthy Ireland Fund supported by the Department of Health and the Department of Children and Youth Affairs.

Wexford Parents Hub

Wexford Parents Hub was officially launched on October 4th 2019 in the Riverside Park Hotel by Minister Paul Kehoe, Minister of State at the Department of Defence. The Hub was initiated with BOBF CYPSC Programme Funding through Wexford CYPSC.  It is being led by Barnardos and Tusla PPFS with inter-agency support.  Currently there are two part time workers from Barnardos and Tusla PPFS supporting the development of the Hub.  The virtual Hub aims to provide a "one stop shop" for parents and care-givers in Co. Wexford and was created in response to parenting support gaps that were highlighted in the Wexford Children and Young People's Plan 2017-2019.  The ultimate aim is to bridge any parenting gaps in the county and to provide parents with easy access to parenting supports.

The Hub has a dedicated phone line (053 9236343), email address (wexfordparentshub@barnardos.ie), page on Wexford CYPSC website and is active on Facebook and Instagram.

To access the website page click here.

To access the Facebook Page click here.

"Parenting Today" : A series of talks taking place in public libraries and community venues throughout Co. Wexford

Wexford CYPSC has collaborated with Wexford County Council Public Library Service to organise "Parenting Today" - a series of free talks for parents and guardians. The first series of talks took place in 2018 and a further series was rolled out in 2019.   Each year the series has developed and expanded.  For the first two years, talks were rolled out in Library branches only.  In 2020, in response to needs identified by rural communities the talks were extended to a number of community venues.  A booklet containing information on the talks has been printed and made publicly available each year.  To view the 2018 booklet, please click here. To view the 2019 booklet, click here.

The 2020 series of talks was formally launched on Tuesday February 18th with a keynote talk by Val Mullally, parenting expert and accredited Life Coach.  To view the 2020 Booklet, click here.  To comply with public health guidance in relation to COVID-19, talks scheduled for post-March 2020, were delivered online.  Some talks that were delivered during 2020 are still available to view.  Latest details are available from Wexford Public Library Service accessible here and also on the Wexford Parents Hub page accessible here

The 2021 series of talks is currently being rolled out online and details are available on the Wexford Public Library Service website here and on the Wexford Parents Hub page here.

Guidelines for Referrals to Child and Youth Mental Health Services in Co. Wexford

A new sign-posting tool to support families that need to access Child & Youth Mental Health Services has been developed by Wexford CYPSC in partnership with the HSE Suicide Resource Office.  The "Guidelines for Referrals to Child & Youth Mental Health Services"  are published in poster format allowing a significant amount of important information to be displayed in one location. 

A lack of clearly defined pathways to mental health services was identified by Wexford CYPSC while developing the "Wexford Children & Young People's Plan 2017-2019".  The guidelines poster is a local response to this identified need.

The poster was officially launched by Mr. Gerry Maley, General Manager for HSE Mental Health Services in Waterford and Wexford at an event in the Riverside Park Hotel, Enniscorthy on Wednesday February 5th 2020.  Ms. Tracy Nugent, Officer for Suicide Prevention at the HSE Suicide Resource Office acted as M.C. at the event.  She also facilitated a services information exchange where each service provider gave a brief overview of the services and support they offer.

This resource was developed by the Young People and Mental Health Sub Group of Wexford CYPSC with assistance from the HSE Resource Office for Suicide Prevention.  It will be distributed to G.P's, schools, youth and community projects and to other professionals and service providers that work with children and young people.  The poster is available to download on the Wexford CYPSC website.

To view the poster,  click here.

"TEEN Talks" Youth Participation Events

On Thursday 10th May 2018, Wexford Children & Young People's Services Committee hosted a youth participation showcase event in the Riverside Park Hotel, Enniscorthy, Co. Wexford.  The event was youth led and the purpose was to provide young people with a platform to highlight the issues that are important to them.  The event was a collaboration between local youth, community and voluntary agencies and the Prevention, Partnership and Family Support Programme of Tusla working together with Wexford CYPSC.

Young people from all over the county spoke about issues of importance to them which included youth mental health, LGBTI+ issues, dealing with illness and the importance of music in young peoples lives.  A number of adults also spoke at the event and addressed subjects such as cyber-security (John Dwyer "Lets Be Safe"), homelessness and parenthood (Deborah Somorin - Focus Ireland), migration (Kelvin Akpaloo - National Youth Council of Ireland) and transgender issues (Vanessa Lacey - TENI).  The event was recorded and is available to view on the videos below.

Another TEEN Talks event was held on March 7th 2019.  Following the same format as the 2018 event, topics addressed by young people included dealing with emotional difficulties, intelligence, the education system and individuality.  There were also two adult keynote speakers (Frank Staples from the ASK campaign) and Andy Mahoney who spoke about changing career paths.

Wexford CYPSC would like to thank everyone who contributed to the organisation of these events, particularly the young people who participated.

Wexford CYPSC Children & Young People's Leaflet

Wexford CYPSC has created an information leaflet targeted at children and young people.  The leaflet was designed with assistance from the Teen Girls Group at Youth New Ross.  It contains information on the five national outcomes in "Better Outcomes Brighter Futures".  It also directs readers to the Wexford CYPSC website www.wexfordcypsc.ie for more information on services and supports for children, young people and families and for a link to the "Wexford Children & Young People's Plan 2017-2019".  Please click here to view the leaflet.

"Just Be You" Programme.

The "Just Be You" Programme was developed through Wexford CYPSC with the assistance of PPFS Child & Youth Participation funding.  The main aims of the programme were to raise awareness of LGBTI issues within schools and to aid the development of self-sustaining student-led supports in the school based around the TFLAG model from America.  Please click here to view the programme.

The "Coming Out Guide"

The "Coming Out Guide" is a support for young people who wish to disclose their identity and for teachers to help them understand what to expect.  The Guide was funded through PPFS Child & Youth Participation Funding.  To view the guide, please click here.

Restorative Practice

Wexford CYPSC supports the development of Wexford Restorative Practice Partnership.  For more information, see www.wrpp.ie.

WRPP has organised a number of conferences and delivered training events to those interested in adopting a restorative approach to their work.  With assistance from the Healthy Ireland Fund, WRPP has developed an E-Learning resource "Introduction to Restorative Practices".  It is hoped that this resource will make information on restorative practice more accessible to a wider number of people. This resource was officially launched online in December 2020 and opened for applications from January 2021.

Wexford CYPSC Consultation Process

Wexford CYPSC has developed its second "Children and Young People's Plan Autumn 2020-2023".  It has been submitted for quality assurance. To ensure that the voices of children and young people are included in the plan, Wexford CYPSC have consulted with children, young people and families in a variety of settings.

To view Wexford CYPSC's consultation documents please click on the links below:

Early Years Consultation

Primary Age Consultation

13-24 Years Consultation

Wexford CYPSC Website & Social Media

Wexford CYPSC has developed a website with information on services and supports that are available for children, young people and families in Co. Wexford.  Please see www.wexfordcypsc.ie.

In 2019 Wexford CYPSC supported the development of the Wexford Parents Hub.  The Hub has a presence on Facebook and a page on the Wexford CYPSC website which can be accessed here.

To find another CYPSC click here.