
South Dublin CYPSC Children and Young People's Plan

South Dublin County is home to over ninety-eight thousand children and young people, the area is characterised by wide ranging contrasts of poverty and affluence, ethnicity, and services provision. Geographically, there are obvious pockets of disadvantage and deprivation when measured at Electoral District Area. In 2016 a total of 52,946 individuals lived in Small Areas of Population classified as being ‘disadvantaged’, ‘very disadvantaged ‘or ‘extremely disadvantaged’, this accounted for 19% of the total population of South Dublin County.  

A services mapping exercise has highlighted more than 1,000 services, resources and facilities for children and young people. While services are regularly developing, the data does give a broad indication when combined with consultation feedback, that there are different levels of access to and availability of services. Despite a high number of services and resources, CYPSC consultations have noted a number of gaps in service provision including: addiction services for under 18s; gaps in mental health services for young people, particularly in relation to mid-level services, education and employment supports for lone parents, young people leaving care, early school leavers and minority groups, and the need to respond to the impact of homelessness on children and young people.   Services will also need to proactively plan for a growing population within the County as a number of developments both in private and social housing come on stream.

Click here to view the South Dublin CYPSC Evidence Baseline Report 2017.

Click here to view the South Dublin CYPSC Mapping and Needs Analysis

Evidence and information was collected from a range of sources including socio- demographic statistics and service mapping. Despite a high number of services and resources available in the South Dublin area, CYPSC consultations noted a number of gaps in service provision including:

  • Addiction services for under 18s
  • Mental health services for young people
  • Education and employment supports for lone parents
  • Early school leavers and minority groups
  • Impact of homelessness on children and young people

South County Dublin has the fourth highest population in the country and is home to over 98,000 children and young people. The area is characterised by wide ranging contrasts of poverty and affluence. In 2016, a total of 52,946 individuals lived in small areas of population classified as being 'disadvantaged', 'very disadvantaged' or 'extremely disadvantaged' and this accounts for 19 per cent of the total population of South Dublin County - 25 per cent (or 20,549) were aged under 24 years.

It is the vision of the South Dublin CYPSC that through working together in partnership they can achieve better outcomes for children and young people in South Dublin County, with a focus on early intervention and prevention, particularly within the disadvantaged areas. In order to achieve this, South Dublin CYPSC will aim to consolidate and build upon the positive work to date and cultivate leadership through 'joined up working' and 'joined up thinking' both locally and nationally.

Click here to view our membership.

Click here To access a full copy of South Dublin CYPSC Three Year Children & Young People's Plan

Click here to view South Dublin CYPSC 2022 annual report NEW