The Clare Children and Young People's Services Committee was established in December 2016.
The Co. Clare Children and Young People’s Plan 2019 - 2021 will operate under the following core guiding principles:
- Enhancing existing work in the area of children and family services in the County
- Coordinate practice and service provision in the area of children and family services in the County
- Strengthen and embed existing positive relationships between service providers in the County into standardised good practice
- Identify gaps in service provision in the County whereby new innovative interventions and/or collaborations could meet those un-serviced needs and advocate for additional needs.
Clare CYPSC is guided in its work by Better Outcomes Brighter Futures, The National Policy Framework for Children and Young People 2014 – 2020. Our work is structured around the five national outcomes for children and young people as outlined in our national framework.
The County Clare Children and Young People’s Plan will endeavour to promote the six transformational goals described within Better Outcomes Brighter Futures in order to achieve the national outcomes for children and young people. Those transformational goals are:
Support parents
Earlier intervention & prevention
Listen to and involve children and young people
Ensure quality services
Strengthen transitions
Promote cross-government and interagency collaboration & coordination