St. Finian's National School, Dillonstown in Co. Louth is the first school in Ireland to receive ‘CyberChampion’ status from CyberSafeKids.
A new group of students recently commenced their studies on the Certificate in Understanding and Responding to Domestic and Gender-based Violence and Abuse at South East Technological University.
Ireland's Minister for Children, Roderic O’Gorman T.D., publishes the sixth and final Annual Report for the ‘Better Outcomes, Brighter Futures (BOBF) National Policy Framework for Children and Young People’.
CYPSC is enthusiastic about creating opportunities for children and young people of all ages and abilities to experience the Arts.
A show for babies aged 0-12 months I AM BABA created by Anna Newell and presented by The Civic, Tallaght commences a Nationwide Tour September - November 2021, supported by CYPSC.
Tipperary CYPSC is making the Premier County a better place for children and young people and is preparing its 2nd Children and Young People’s Plan to identify the key issues for children and young people in the county and to set out clear actions to respond.
The topic of sexual health and relationships is a very important issue. Partners in Waterford worked together to provide youth-friendly information.
The education subgroup of Fingal CYPSC has developed a practical workbook for 6th class students transferring to secondary school.
Limerick CYPSC has launched its online Back To School campaign in collaboration with the East Limerick Child and Family Support Network.
Pramerica has kindly donated ten refurbished laptops to support 10 students through COVID-19, in response to the Donegal CYPSC Laptop Appeal.
The "Mind the Gap" school transitions resource is now available for free. Read on to find out how to access this locally developed toolkit from County Meath.
The reasons for school refusal are multi-faceted and complex. On any given day in Ireland 6% of the total school going population, 60,000 children and young people, miss school.
Big inter-agency effort: 2,000 Activity Packs for children aged 4 to 12 years being distributed to support Louth families staying at home at this time.
Over 7,000 children in County Clare are excited to receive delivery of The Imagination Playground, a modern resource that assists in the development of children’s motor and cognitive skills.
Wexford CYPSC launches an information campaign for parents and care-givers on the importance of promoting early literacy.