News and Events

That Feeling When...

By cypscadmin Thursday, 13th February 2025 | 0 comments
Filed under: Health, Participation, Youth.
‘That Feeling When…’ is a campaign to support young people to deal with common mental health issues that they may experience from time to time.  

New Connecting You app

By cypscadmin Wednesday, 23rd March 2022 | 0 comments
Filed under: Health, Youth.
Youth Work Ireland Cavan Monaghan, with the support of Monaghan CYPSC and Healthy Ireland funding has launched a new interactive mobile phone app for young people called Connecting You.

The Premier County!

By cypscadmin Wednesday, 22nd September 2021 | 0 comments
Filed under: Health, Education, Participation, Youth.
Tipperary CYPSC is making the Premier County a better place for children and young people and is preparing its 2nd Children and Young People’s Plan to identify the key issues for children and young people in the county and to set out clear actions to respond.

The COVID Word

By cypscadmin Wednesday, 24th February 2021 | 0 comments
Filed under: Health, Youth.
A social media campaign created in collaboration with young people from Sligo, Leitrim and South Dublin and in a partnership between Foróige and Children and Young People's Services Committees.

How are you feeling?

By cypscadmin Friday, 10th July 2020 | 0 comments
Filed under: Health, Youth.
A new website for Dun Laoghaire Rathdown that lets young people search for services based on how they are feeling, where their ‘headspace is at’ and what kind of service contact they want.

Youth Mental Health Packs

By cypscadmin Friday, 26th June 2020 | 0 comments
Filed under: Health, Youth.
Six hundred Mental Wellbeing Care Packages were delivered to young people across Louth to raise awareness of the importance of mental well-being in these difficult times

Managing School Refusal

By cypscadmin Tuesday, 19th May 2020 | 0 comments
Filed under: Family Support, Education, Youth.
The reasons for school refusal are multi-faceted and complex.  On any given day in Ireland 6% of the total school going population, 60,000 children and young people, miss school.   

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