Traveller mental health has been identified as one of the most pressing issues for Traveller advocacy groups across Ireland.
Dublin City North CYPSC are delighted to publish findings from an independent review of the Mind-It Project. a locally developed, responsive youth support pilot project.
Ireland's Minister for Children, Roderic O’Gorman T.D., publishes the sixth and final Annual Report for the ‘Better Outcomes, Brighter Futures (BOBF) National Policy Framework for Children and Young People’.
Galway CYPSC and partners to pursue an Active Play strategy that simultaneously supports parents and childcare facilities to deliver to 0 - 3 year olds.
The Centre for Effective Services has launched the Child, Youth and Family Database providing information about outcomes measurement tools.
Dublin City North CYPSC hosted a “Projects and Progress 2018” event featuring a number of successful and important programmes of their CYPSC work.
The latest edition of the Children’s Research Digest focuses on building resilience and enhancing social support in the lives of children and young people in Ireland. Published in an accessible format it is of particular relevance to practitioners working in the field of children and young people.
Eleven CYPSC met with colleagues in TUSLA Child and Family Agency to learn about an exciting project that aims to make important data on children and young people’s lives more readily available for everyone.
CYPSC Co-ordinator, Thérèse Ruane discusses the development of Mayo CYPSC at its early stages on Mid-West radio to raise awareness about CYPSC, Ireland's five national outcomes for children and young people and the development of Mayo's Children and Young People’s Plan (2018-2020).
Over sixty senior managers and leaders from stakeholder organisations met to discuss data sources, the needs of children and young people and service gaps in order to inform a socio-demographic mapping and needs analysis of the Dún Laoghaire Rathdown area.
Dublin City North CYPSC publishes its report exploring the nature and extent of services in its area.
Providing a comprehensive picture of the lives of children in Ireland the State of the Nation’s Children Report 2016 has just been published by the Department of Children and Youth Affairs (DCYA).
‘On the right track’ is a new series of reports based on evaluation findings of programmes for children and young people in Ireland and Northern Ireland.
Clare CYPSC launched its Facebook community consultation survey recently as part of an interactive road show to ask what matters to young people.