Dublin City South CYPSC Health and Wellbeing Working Group, in association with the ISPCC, are hosting 3 FREE online lunchtime webinars on parenting of infants.
The Southside Travellers Action Group (STAG) Wagon Project was initiated and led by two Traveller men who wanted to pass on the tradition of wagon building to the younger generation.
Eighty CYPSC members and CYPSC Sub-group members attended a recent Pobal HP Deprivation Index presentation as part of CYPSC implementation supports organised by the CYPSC National Office at Tusla Child and Family Agency.
Over 250 delegates attended a HSE Social Inclusion Community Healthcare Cavan-Donegal-Leitrim-Monaghan-Sligo (CH CDLMS) Regional Conference.
We are seeking a Healthy Ireland Co-ordinator for CYPSC. This is an important new role that will support inter-agency collaboration to achieve better outcomes for children, young people and families across Ireland.
Traveller mental health has been identified as one of the most pressing issues for Traveller advocacy groups across Ireland.
The toolkit aims to support children and young people’s wellbeing in Roscommon and can be used by those working with children in many different contexts in the county.
Dublin City North CYPSC are delighted to publish findings from an independent review of the Mind-It Project. a locally developed, responsive youth support pilot project.
Service providers and practitioners who are working with families in International Protection, Emergency accommodation and with families displaced from Ukraine are invited to attend My Place to Play Baby and Toddler Briefing Sessions.
Youth Work Ireland Cavan Monaghan, with the support of Monaghan CYPSC and Healthy Ireland funding has launched a new interactive mobile phone app for young people called Connecting You.
Ireland's Minister for Children, Roderic O’Gorman T.D., publishes the sixth and final Annual Report for the ‘Better Outcomes, Brighter Futures (BOBF) National Policy Framework for Children and Young People’.
Galway CYPSC and partners to pursue an Active Play strategy that simultaneously supports parents and childcare facilities to deliver to 0 - 3 year olds.
Tipperary CYPSC is making the Premier County a better place for children and young people and is preparing its 2nd Children and Young People’s Plan to identify the key issues for children and young people in the county and to set out clear actions to respond.
An exciting programme of youth centred and youth health-related events are planned in Longford Westmeath.
Galway CYPSC and Galway Healthy City are leading a new campaign aimed at creating smoke free environments for children and young people in Galway City and County.