Dublin City South CYPSC Health and Wellbeing Working Group, in association with the ISPCC, are hosting 3 FREE online lunchtime webinars on parenting of infants.
The Early Learning Initiative (ELI) invites you to attend a My Place to Play Baby and Toddler Briefing Session. These briefings are for services who are working with families in International Protection and emergency accommodation and could support organisations in their work with Ukrainian families.
Wexford CYPSC hosted a special event to celebrate and acknowledge the work of local Traveller Projects in Wexford.
Over 250 delegates attended a HSE Social Inclusion Community Healthcare Cavan-Donegal-Leitrim-Monaghan-Sligo (CH CDLMS) Regional Conference.
Announced: Winners of the Donegal Disability Employer Equality Awards. At the heart of these awards is the shared vision of a more inclusive society by promoting diversity within the workforce.
Tusla has recently published it's Strategic Plan for Foster Care Services 2022-2025. The overall approach of this plan is to improve Alternative Care Services for children and young people who cannot live at home for periods of their lives.
Sligo Leitrim CYPSC’s Child and Youth Domestic Violence Working Group aims to raise awareness and educate young people about domestic violence and coercive control.
A new group of students recently commenced their studies on the Certificate in Understanding and Responding to Domestic and Gender-based Violence and Abuse at South East Technological University.
A super-fun Summer is in play for Donegal. There’s a lot going on, and all of it organised by local groups...
Service providers and practitioners who are working with families in International Protection, Emergency accommodation and with families displaced from Ukraine are invited to attend My Place to Play Baby and Toddler Briefing Sessions.
“My Place to Play” promotes the importance of play; increases developmental activities for babies including tummy time and sensory development; and encourages parent-child bonding.
A new free Parent Support Line is now available in Donegal. The Donegal Parent Support line is being co-ordinated by the Donegal Family Resource Centre Network in association with a wide range of community and voluntary organisations involved in family support.
Community and voluntary organisations on the ground in Donegal are working hard to try and alleviate the level of hardship being encountered as a result of COVID-19.
The reasons for school refusal are multi-faceted and complex. On any given day in Ireland 6% of the total school going population, 60,000 children and young people, miss school.
A cavalcade of cars, of Staff and of Volunteers set off from the Bluestack Special Needs Foundation in Donegal Town to deliver sensory support gift bags to help families to cope during the COVID-19 public health restrictions.