The topic of sexual health and relationships is a very important issue. Partners in Waterford worked together to provide youth-friendly information.
Based on the experiences of working with young people in Waterford services decided that the production of a sexual health booklet called Know Your Stuff would be of benefit to young people and parents alike. The project to produce a suitable information source was a joint initiative between Tusla, the Health Service Executive and Transgender Equality Network Ireland (TENI) under the auspices of Waterford Children and Young People’s Services Committee (CYPSC) and funded by Healthy Ireland.
Young people and parents were consulted and their feedback influenced the design, layout and content of the booklet. Waterford CYPSC hopes that Know Your Stuff is easy to read and will act as a reference point for information and a conversation starter.
Sexual health and relationships is such a broad topic. The booklet is not intended to be a comprehensive answer to all the topics but rather a starting point for information.
The booklet seeks to provide current and up to date information on topics such as relationships, puberty, reproductive system, sexuality, dealing with a breakup, consent, on-line safety and contraception to name but a few.
Links to other resources are included within the booklet to assist young people and parents to access further information on each of the topics.
The booklet is available to youth groups, schools, informal education settings, libraries, etc. It is available in limited numbers in hard copy. Contact Waterford CYPSC Co-ordinator, for hard copy enquiries.
Know Your Stuff and is available to download from or click here.