Sligo Leitrim CYPSC’s Child and Youth Domestic Violence Working Group aims to raise awareness and educate young people about domestic violence and coercive control.
The group held an awareness raising and training event in November, titled ‘Lens on Domestic Violence’. Well-attended by up to 80 locally-based professionals across multiple disciplines, participants from the Gardaí, Probation Services, Family Resource Centres, Youth organisations, Social Work, and Social Care listened to a range of views from local, national, and international experts who support victims of domestic violence.
Among the speakers on were Professor Jane Callaghan, Director of the Centre for Child Wellbeing and Protection at the University of Stirling, Scotland, and Lisa Fellin, a critical clinical psychologist and systemic family therapist from Milan, Italy, who is an associate professor at the University of Bergamo.
The speakers used an interactive, workshop-based approach to explore how young people experience and live with coercive control and domestic violence, and how this permeates family life. They also explored how frontline professionals might support young people impacted by domestic abuse.
Sligo Leitrim CYPSC facilitates several working groups, including a CYPSC Safe and Protected from Harm Working Group, out of which the Child & Youth Domestic Violence Working Group was established in 2021. This group has undertaken and published a number of beneficial pieces of work, including
The group’s latest offering, the Sligo Leitrim Domestic Violence and Coercive Control Resource Handbook, has just been published.
If you require further information or details, please contact the Sligo Leitrim CYPSC Coordinator Maeve Whittington and/or Domestic Violence Advocacy Service (DVAS)
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