The launch of took place on Friday 27th June 2014 at the Clayton Hotel, Ballybrit, Galway.
FACS (Family and Child Support) is an information website containing the support services and their contact details which are available to families and children in Galway and Roscommon.
The website also provides details of news and events relevant to children and families. FACS was developed over the past year by Tusla, the Child and Family Agency and Galway City Partnership and was launched by the Deputy Mayor of Galway City.

Geraldine Daniels - Galway City Partnership
Colma Nic Lughadha - National Co-ordinator for Children and Young People's Services Committees
Caroline Duignan - Co-ordinator for Galway CYPSC and Roscommon CYPSC
Georgina Kilcoyne - Family Support Manager Roscommon