Donegal CYPSC launched it's Children & Young People’s Plan 2018-2020 with a Learning Seminar entitled, ‘Re-imagining Disability; from Accepting Diversity to True Inclusion’.
The learning seminar focused on the challenges towards social inclusion experienced by children and young people who have a physical, sensory or intellectual disability; and in turn the challenges faced by their families.

Attending the launch Lorraine Thompson of Donegal Youth Service commented that
"seeing the person first and the disability second is the overwhelming message of the day, a fantastic event putting the spotlight on disability services in Donegal”.
Dr. Bronagh Byrne, Co-Director of the Centre for Children's Rights and Co-Chair of the Disability Research Network at Queens University Belfast, stated that;
“The way we imagine disability is changing and needs to continue to change. It is not simply a medical issue, it is a rights issue. Disability is a fundamental facet of human diversity. It has always been and will always be part of the human condition. By challenging our perceptions of disability, we can recognise, accept and respect children with disabilities, and continue the journey to meaningful inclusion”.

Three inspiring young people Liam Wheldon, Eoin Rooney and Albie Dinsmore Clarke, described their personal journey and how their involvement with various Foróige initiatives and activities made a difference to their quality of life.
Marie Crawley, Manager Prevention, Partnership and Family Support at Tusla Child and Family Agency said
“Inspiring, eye opening, as always nothing is as powerful as hearing the voices of young people”.

The enthusiatic Bluestack Choir, charmed the attendees with their inspiring performance
Chloe Mc Ginty from Springboard Family Support Services commented:
The Bluestack Choir was a great addition andI feel very grateful for having seen them perform.”
Click here to read Donegal CYPSC Children & Young People's Plan 2018-2020
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