Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown Children & Young People's Services Committee

Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown CYPSC was established in 2017. We were delighted to launch our first county Children and Young People's Plan on the 21st September 2020! See here for a short summary of the 2020-2022 plan and see here for the more detailed 180 page plan. 

This CYPSC plan was approved by the National CYPSC Office and DCYA Review Panel in early 2020 and due to be launched in May 2020 but due to COVID-19 was postponed until September 2020.

Since restrictions prohibit the celebration we had planned with stakeholders and young people, we had with over 70 participants including service leaders, young people via video and a speaker panel with national Tulsa and DCYA representatives.


Please watch our video developed for the launch featuring 30 service leaders speaking about their partipication in interagency collaborations supported by DLR CYPSC. https://youtu.be/ygoAo3MmKA8 

Please also see the video message from the Tusla CEO to services in Dun Laoghaire Rathdown on the occasion of the launch of the county plan, acknowleding the critical benefit that interagency working can produce for children and young people. http://https://youtu.be/UxHzTV-Kohc 

To find another CYPSC click here.