The Irish Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children and the Children’s Research Network for Ireland and Northern Ireland are co-hosting a one-day seminar on the 6th October 2016 for those interested in using research evidence to inform their work.
The event is titled Using Research to Improve Practice and it will be held from 10am-4pm in the River Lee Hotel in Cork.
If you are interested in using research evidence to inform your work or would you like to hear real-life examples of practice development based on research of what works, then this seminar is for you.The seminar is focused on improving quality through using research within everyday practice and includes a diverse range of speakers, including:
- Grainia Long - CEO, Irish Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (ISPCC)
- Brian Lee - Director of Quality Assurance, Tusla – Child and Family Agency
- Angela O’Connell – Post-Doctoral Researcher, University College Cork
- Claire Hickey – Senior Project Specialist, Centre for Effective Services (CES)
- Máire Corbett – Early Childhood Specialist, Early Childhood Ireland
- Caroline O’Sullivan – Director of Services, ISPCC
- Ruth Hally – Coordinator, EnRRICH Programme, University College Cork

This seminar is suitable for anyone with an interest in using research to improve practice including:
- service providers and practitioners
- academic teaching and research staff and students
- staff in the voluntary, private and statutory research sectors
There is a minimal cost for this event.
- Childrens Research Network Members €25
- Non-Members €35
Click here to register.
For more information on the Children’s Research Network for Ireland and Northern Ireland Click here.
For more information on the Irish Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children Click here.
For more news about CYPSC Click here.