The Donegal Parent Hub Committee hosted a Family Support Information Day attended by over 100 professionals and volunteers working in County Donegal.

This networking and information day took place in Letterkenny on 13th September 2016.
The event provided an opportunity for the 100+ staff and volunteers, from the statutory, community and voluntary sectors, to learn about each others' services and programmes. A host of organisations gave presentations on the services that they offer to children, young people and their families. Sharing vital information to service providers on the many and varied referral service options open to them.
The day got off to a great start with Lifestart Services, Springboard, and ParentStop presenting their work and the supports available. They were followed by Foróige, Donegal Youth Service and Jigsaw, who described their work and also the types and prevalence of issues young people in Donegal are presenting with.
Strengthening Families run by Families Matter described how their evidence based programme supports the whole family. The Family Resource Centres gave a presentation showing the variety of supports available as did the Donegal Travellers Project and the Pastoral Centre. Local area based initiatives Tir Boghaine Teo (West Donegal), Letterkenny Youth and Family Service (Letterkenny & surrounds) and North Inishowen School Completion Programme Family Support delivered parallel sessions.
The highlight of the day of course was the launch of This on-line resource for all things parenting is a source of information and advice for families, connecting families to services and events across Donegal.

Tusla Child and Family Agency Area Manager, Michael Gallagher, officially launched and congratulated the dedicated ParentHub Committee on a fine and valuable initiative that will be a great benefit to families all over Donegal.
The ParentHub Committee is led and supported by Nichola Harvey, Local Area Pathway Co-ordinator in Tusla, who stated that will continue to grow as content is updated and added to, on an ongoing basis.
For more information on Donegal CYPSC Click here