There was a high level of interest in the Tusla Recruitment campaign for CYPSC Co-ordinators and County Donegal was no exception.
Michael Gallagher, Chair of the Donegal Children & Young Peoples Services Committee is pleased to announce that an appointment for the position of CYPSC Co-ordinator for Donegal has been made and welcomes the successful candidate, Anne Timony Meehan.
He said “This appointment marks the beginning of a new chapter for Donegal CYPSC and will refocus our efforts to bring together the main statutory, community and voluntary providers of services to children and young people."
"This a forum for joint planning and co-ordination of activities, for over-sight of local policy and provision so that together we strive to ensure that children, young people and their families receive optimum services. The role of Donegal CYPSC is to enhance this inter-agency working, and ultimately realise the five national outcomes set out in Better Outcomes, Brighter Futures: the National Policy Framework for Children and Young People, 2014-2020.”
An informal meeting of Donegal CYPSC representatives has taken place to make introductions and to plan the initial steps in re-invigorating the work and onward progress of Donegal CYPSC and its Sub-committees and active working groups. The Children and Young People’s Plan is a clear priority and will be the focus of the next meeting of the Donegal CYPSC, which is planned for 6th September 2016. An external facilitator will be arranged to work with the Committee and support this planning process. A schedule of meetings for the remainder of 2016 will be decided at this meeting.
In the interim, the CYPSC Co-ordinator, who took up her position in June 2016, will be setting up meetings with all key stakeholders to become familiar with progress to date and gain insight into the activities undertaken by the CYPSC Sub-committees and working groups and the significant achievements recorded to date.
Anne Timony Meehan said “I am delighted to have been selected for this interesting and challenging role and look forward to meeting the members of the Donegal CYPSC, the Sub-committees and working groups over the coming weeks. I look forward to working closely with the wider Donegal CYPSC team into the future.”
The Donegal Children and Young Peoples Services Committee would like to extend their sincere thanks to Anne Mc Ateer, Health Service Executive Health Promotion and Wellbeing, for her extensive support and effort which was so instrumental in setting up a solid foundation for Donegal CYPSC.
For more information on CYPSC visit the About Us section.