The national CYPSC Steering Group was delighted to receive a visit to their June meeting from the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs, Katherine Zappone, TD.
Minister Zappone opened by assuring members of her continued support for their work and the work of the Children and Young People’s Services Committees across Ireland.The Minister stated “I believe that 2016 will see a new phase for CYPSC as we see the reframed Steering Group drive forward the commitments in the Blueprint for the development of CYPSC and Tusla’s recruitment of co-ordinators to fill those vacancies which I know have been a central concern of the group.”

Pictured from left to right: Martina Moloney - CYPSC SG Vice Chairperson, Minister for Children and Youth Affairs - Katherine Zappone, Colma Nic Lughadha - National Co-ordinator for CYPSC
Minister Zappone continued by relating that “We need to continue to promote CYPSC as vehicles for change and to reinforce the idea that we are stronger working together. Co-ordinating our efforts and building a shared plan which will serve the best interests of children and young people across all areas of their lives.”
“I will continue to emphasise the need for effective inter-agency working as a key pillar of work at all levels, across the Better Outcomes Brighter Futures infrastructures, through the Local Economic and Community Plans and through the communications between departments, agencies and sectors which happen every day. There will be further challenges as we seek to deliver on our Programme for Government and I am very aware of the potential of CYPSC to support and enhance our work.”
In closing the Minister thanked Vice Chair, Martina Moloney and the National Co-ordinator for CYPSC, Colma Nic Lughadha, and all members of the national CYPSC Steering Group for their time and work. She asked that the Steering Group members convey her appreciation also to all the local CYPSC co-ordinators and members of local CYPSC around the country and re-iterated her assurance of continued support for CYPSC.
For more information on the national steering group for CYPSC including membership, minutes of meetings and reports click here.