Wicklow Children and Young People's Services Committee have made a submission to Wicklow Local Community Development Committee (LCDC) to inform the development of Wicklow's Local Economic and Community Plan (LECP). The role of the LCDC is to enhance the strategic planning and co-ordination of local and community development activity.
Wicklow CYPSC's submission to the Local Economic and Community Plan includes information on how children and young people are doing in Wicklow under the five National Outcomes outlined in Better Outcomes, Brighter Futures, and provides a brief overview of key considerations for the Local Community Development Committee. A consultation process with seldom heard young people was undertaken as part of the submission. The aim was to ascertain their views in relation to the five National Outcomes for children and young people. Information from this consultation was used to develop the submission.
Wicklow CYPSC hope that this submission to Wicklow LCDC will mean that the structure, work and role of the CYPSC in Wicklow is better understood and that the CYPSC and LCDC will work together in the development and implementation of Wicklow's Local Economic and Community Plan.
Click here to visit the Wicklow CYPSC 'Local Resources' page where you can read Wicklow CYPSC's submission to the LCDC.

Local Community Development Committees comprise of public and private sector members, including the local authority, State agencies, business and local and community development representatives. Working in partnership, they
- Prepare the community elements of a 6-year Local Economic and Community Plan for their county
- Co-ordinate, manage and oversee the implementation of local and community development programmes as part of implementing their plan
- Co-ordinate local and community development activity within the operational area of the Local Community Development Committee for the purposes of reducing overlap, avoiding duplication and improving the targeting of resources.
The purpose of the Local Economic and Community Plan is to promote the local and community development of the relevant local authority area through a more co-ordinated and collaborative approach to planning and service delivery.
Click here to read more about Wicklow CYPSC.