Following the tragic death of Anastasia Kriegel, and the effect this has had on children, families and communities in the area, the Kildare Children and Young People’s Services Committee (CYPSC) has established a range of supports for children and families during this difficult time.
Children and Young People’s Services Committees are county-level committees that bring together the main statutory, community and voluntary providers of services to children and young people. They provide a forum for joint planning and co-ordination of activity to ensure that children, young people and their families receive improved and accessible services.
The Kildare CYPSC is made up of a group of voluntary and State organisations including:
- Tusla – Child and Family Agency
- Kildare County Council
- An Garda Siochana
- Co. Kildare LEADER Partnership
- Irish Primary Principals' Network
- Kildare and Wicklow Education and Training Board
- Kildare County Childcare Committee
- Kildare Youth Services
- Maynooth University
- National Educational Psychological Service
- Probation Service
- South Western Regional Drugs and Alcohol Task Force
- Teach Tearmainn
- Tusla Educational Welfare Service
Anyone who is concerned about a child in the area over the weekend following these tragic events can contact:
- Barnardos Children’s Bereavement Service Helpline (01) 4732110 (Saturday, 26th and Sunday, 27th 9am – 11am);
- Child Line 1800 66 66 66 or text Talk to 50101;
- Samaritans 24hr Freephone helpline 116123.
If you have immediate serious concerns regarding the welfare of a person affected by this incident, please contact your local GP, Emergency Department or an Garda Siochana, as appropriate.
From Monday, 28th May, the following services are available to children and families in the area:
- Beacon of light - 085-8833903 / 01 457 8700;
- Kildare Youth Services - 045 856 968;
- Jigsaw - 01 538 0087.
There are a range of other useful support networks and resources available to parents and families, including: