The Drugs and Alcohol Working Group of Kerry CYPSC launched the ‘THINK About Alcohol’ booklet on the 28th September 2015. The booklet provides information for young people and their parents on alcohol and issues relating to alcohol use in order to help them to discuss alcohol openly and honestly.
THINK About Alcohol
The booklet is not intended to be a substitute for talking to trained support services but to help signpost young people and their parents quickly and easily to services when they require help.
The booklet's main messages are that it is both unsafe and illegal to drink alcohol if you are under 18 years old and that it is unsafe to drink alcohol irresponsibly at any age – young or old.
Oliver Mawe, Tusla-Child and Family Agency Area Manager for Kerry and Chair of Kerry CYPSC and the Drugs and Alcohol Working Group said:
“One of the aims of this Working Group is to identify and respond to a real need in the community for relevant, accessible information for families in relation to alcohol misuse. The role of the Committee is to to improve outcomes for children and young people at local county level by ensuring that these needs are identified and responded to as early as possible. Creating awareness of the supports available to families is key to this and I believe that the ‘Think’ booklet is an excellent example of how agencies work together for the benefit of their community.”
Click here to read the 'THINK About Alcohol’ booklet.
THINK Teenage Health IN Kerry
The ‘THINK About Alcohol’ booklet is the second booklet in the 'THINK' booklet series developed by Working Groups of Kerry Children and Young People's Services Committee. The first booklet 'THINK - Teenage Health IN Kerry' provides information on youth mental health, and issues that affect young people. It highlights the services that are available when help is needed.
Click here to read the 'THINK – Teenage Health IN Kerry' booklet.
Click here to learn more about Kerry CYPSC.