Monaghan CYPSC and Cavan CYPSC have launched three age-appropriate booklets for children and young people, exploring healthy and unhealthy relationships.

The SHINE Booklets: Towards a Brighter future for all children: Because Every Child Has a Right to be Safe were designed, jointly funded and produced by CYPSC "Safe and Protected from Harm" Sub-groups*.
Monaghan CYPSC member Michelle Treanor, a Therapeutic Support Worker with the Irish Scoiety for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (ISPCC), brought her insights and experience from engaging with children, young people and families to bear throughout the development of the ‘Shine’ booklets. Monaghan CYPSC is greatly appreciative of her commitment and expertise.
Michelle said:
“The ISPCC Childline Therapeutic Support Services team work on a one-to-one basis with children, young people, parents and carers, who have encountered difficult or traumatic times in their lives. Many have been exposed to domestic violence and seek support in relation to their safety, their feelings and emotions and how they view relationships.
“The ‘Shine’ booklets have been designed with these young people and others in mind, to support them to be as safe as possible – no matter what the situation in which they find themselves.
"The content has been developed, with the dedicated support of our ISPCC Children’s Advisory Committee and CYPSC Sub group members* in Monaghan, to help empower young people impacted by domestic violence to express their emotions more effectively and to better recognise appropriate and inappropriate relationships.
“It is a resource which we hope will be of benefit to many children, young people, parents and carers over the months and years ahead, across the North East of Ireland and beyond.”
A young person from the ISPCC Children’s Advisory Committee added that
“The Cavan CYPSC and Monaghan CYPSC Shine Booklet is a great resource designed for kids in Ireland with the help of kids in the ISPCC. It will really help children with their needs and support them".
Domestic violence occurs at all levels of society, across all ethnic groups and among people of every educational background and is one of the last big taboos in our society that makes it more difficult for families and young people to seek help when they are in, or witnessing an abusive relationship. According to Tearmann the Domestic Abuse Service in Monaghan they received 120 new referrals from women in 2018 in Monaghan alone and these women had a total of 245 children. See Monaghan CYPSC Children and Young People's Plan and Cavan CYPSC Children and Young People's Plan for more information on the lives of children, young people and families in these counties.
Collette Deeney CYPSC Co-ordinator for Monaghan acknowledged the interagency strength facilitated through CYPSC Sub groups* such as the Tusla-led Prevention, Partnership and Family Support Steering Group and Safe and Protected Sub-group*. Sub group* members include:
- Tearmann
- Irish Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (ISPCC)
- An Gardai Síochána
- Tusla Child and Family Agency
- Legal Aid Board Monaghan
- Youth Work Ireland
- North Eastern Regional Drug and Alcohol Task Force
- Parenting Monaghan
- Health Service Executive
- Family Resource Centres.
These member organisations work together on a number of actions each year aimed at helping to protect and keep children safe from harm.
It is important that all children and young people are aware of their right to a secure stable and caring environment.
Monaghan CYPSC through its pro-active subgroups will continue to work towards making Monaghan a safe county for all children and young people to grow and be nurtured.
Cathal Grant, Tusla Prevention, Partnership and Family Support Manager commented
"Tusla welcomes the development of this CYPSC booklet in partnership with the ISPCC, Tusla, Gardai, Tearmann and Youth Services. Giving professionals the tools to be able to engage with young people who may be witnessing domestic abuse at home is important in order for them to get support and access the right services for them at the right time.
This booklet is just one step in supporting young people who are experiencing and witnessing unhealthy relationships in their life. The Sub-group is also working on developing a group work programme with partner agencies to be launched later in the year."
Visit Monaghan CYPSC Local Resources to download the Shine booklets.
For more information on domestic violence and support available visit
ISPCC Childline can be contacted by calling 1800 66 66 66, texting to 50101 or chatting online at, 24 hours a day, every day.
Break the silence. Talk to someone about what's going on. You can get in contact with Tearmann Domestic Violence Service by calling one of these numbers:
- 047 72311;
- 085 8102433;
- 087 3654101.
To learn more about Monaghan CYPSC Click here.
To read more CYPSC news Click here.