Some recently published county Children and Young People’s Plans are now available online to read.
Through the ups and downs of 2021 and indeed 2020; each local CYPSC has continued to operate and support collaborative inter-agency working by 750+ member organisations and services across Ireland.
A key aspect of each CYPSC’s work is to develop and then implement a 3-year, evidence-informed Children and Young People’s Plan. The plans are a collaborative focal point for diverse services to join together and to deliver in the best interests of children and young people living in their county.
Each local Children and Young People’s Plan provides an in-depth description and
analysis of the service strengths and identified priority needs of children and young people living in the county. Each plan then details the collective action to be taken by CYPSC member organisations in order to respond to need and look to improve outcomes for children and young people.
A Children and Young People’s Plan offers an insight into what services for children and young people are in place in a county, what children and young people themselves think about what it’s like to live in their county, what is working well for children and young people and what needs attention or action.
The most recently published CYPSC plans are from Galway, Kilkenny, Wexford, Donegal and Wicklow and you will find more plans for other CYPSC areas in the Resources section of CYPSC.IE.
An equally important resource and source of local knowledge are the network of CYPSC Co-ordinators working across Ireland to support implementation of the CYPSC model of inter-agency working. You will find contact details for each CYPSC Co-ordinator on the Contact Us page of CYPSC.IE. To find out more about what is happening in your county you can visit your County’s CYPSC webpages.
Visit the News page for more CYPSC News.