Cavan Rainbow Youth were awarded the 2018 Excellence in Local Government Award for the Health and Well-being Category.

The award was made at the Chambers Ireland Excellence in Local Government Awards. Cavan County Council worked with Cavan Children and Young People’s Services Committee (CYPSC) to develop this new LGBTI+ support service for County Cavan, using Healthy Ireland Funding and CYPSC seed funding.
The service is hosted locally by Focus Family Resource Centre whose manager was key to initiating this new support. It is managed by a subgroup of the CYPSC that involves partners from the statutory and community and youth sectors.
Cavan Rainbow Youth is an important development in supporting the health and well-being of young LGBTI+ people in a rural county. The service is accessible to young people throughout Cavan. It's Development Worker provides one-to-one support and a number of drop-in centres for young people. Services into 2019 are being extended to give advice to parents and foster carers. The Development Worker also supports services such as schools and youth groups to be inclusive of young people from the LGBTI+ community.
Barry Mc Skeane, Development Worker at Cavan Rainbow Youth accepted the award stating

"Its an honour firstly to have had Cavan Rainbow Youth nominated, and given that the project is at such an early stage, it was an absolute surprise for us to receive the award in recognition of the work that we are doing".
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