Wexford CYPSC's Children and Young People’s Plan Autumn 2020-2023 was recently launched online and is now available to download and read.
Galway CYPSC and partners to pursue an Active Play strategy that simultaneously supports parents and childcare facilities to deliver to 0 - 3 year olds.
CYPSC is enthusiastic about creating opportunities for children and young people of all ages and abilities to experience the Arts.
A show for babies aged 0-12 months I AM BABA created by Anna Newell and presented by The Civic, Tallaght commences a Nationwide Tour September - November 2021, supported by CYPSC.
Tipperary CYPSC is making the Premier County a better place for children and young people and is preparing its 2nd Children and Young People’s Plan to identify the key issues for children and young people in the county and to set out clear actions to respond.
An exciting programme of youth centred and youth health-related events are planned in Longford Westmeath.
The Centre for Effective Services has launched the Child, Youth and Family Database providing information about outcomes measurement tools.
Galway CYPSC and Galway Healthy City are leading a new campaign aimed at creating smoke free environments for children and young people in Galway City and County.
The length and breadth of Ireland services for children, young people and families continue to pull together to respond to needs in their county as Ireland lives through the Public Health Emergency.
A social media campaign created in collaboration with young people from Sligo, Leitrim and South Dublin and in a partnership between Foróige and Children and Young People's Services Committees.
A webinar series to highlight and promote the positive narratives of black people in Ireland kicks off for 2021.
The Council of Europe has recently launched a new participation handbook to support professionals working for and with children.
“My Place to Play” promotes the importance of play; increases developmental activities for babies including tummy time and sensory development; and encourages parent-child bonding.
Seven organisations who work together in North West Connemara were delighted to receive an Investing in Children Award recently for their work with young people in the area.
CYPSC are pleased to be a partner in Government's "Keep Well" Campaign to promote national resilience over the Winter months.